

  • Burkhard Plaum

    Burkhard Plaum - 2005-01-16

    ok, gmerlin-0.3.1 is on the wire now.
    Please check the homepage for news and details

    • Hans-Jürgen Bardenhagen

      Looks good... :-)  Did you submit an announce at already, or should I do it? Anyway, I just added the info about the new aacPlus support on the SomaFM forum:

      I'll write an email to Greg Ogonowski, too, because he's always interested in new apps supporting his software (Orban Opticodec-PC). ;-)

      Last question: is it possible to port gmerlin to Mac OS X easily?

    • Burkhard Plaum

      Burkhard Plaum - 2005-01-17

      Well, making a gmerlin release is hard enough, so it's good
      to know, that some other guys spread the news.
      I announce it in freshmeat and (starting with this release)

      A lot of my code in libquicktime was already successfully ported to Max OS X, so I think for gmerlin, there should be
      no major problem. AFAIK, the only linux specific stuff in
      the whole code is VCD support (should be disabled by
      the configure script on non linux systems) and
      Soundcard support.

      If some Mac OS X guru would like to look into these, I would
      happily give advice converning the internal APIs etc.

      • Hans-Jürgen Bardenhagen

        OK, I've submitted the Freshmeat announce to's news section, and Menno has published it this morning. Furthermore I posted the same on the Linux forum at

        I asked about a Mac OS X port, because VLC is the only player for that platform yet which can decode aacPlus streams.

        Greg Ogonowski replied this to my email concerning small vs. capital letters for content-type:

        "Technically, content types are case-insensitive.

        I'm glad you pointed this out, because I just took a look at several different MP3 and AAC streams currently on the Net and I do see it both ways.  Currently we are using content-type for SHOUTcast and Content-Type for Icecast2, only because that's what we saw others using, but I don't think it really matters.  After a closer look, I see it both ways.  We are going to test content-type with Icecast2, and if that works, we will change to that so both SHOUTcast and Icecast2 will be the same from us."

        • Burkhard Plaum

          Burkhard Plaum - 2005-01-18

          Oops, you are right and gmerlin already uses strcasecmp, so
          it's also ok. But this one is the right link:

          (We're talking about http not html :-)

          At least some versions of shoutcast violate the http
          standard by answering with something linke
          "ICY 200 OK" instead of "HTTP/1.1 200 OK".
          Then comes a header line saying that winamp is required to
          play this stream :-D
          This is definitely an attempt to prevent non winamp
          software from playing this stream, but a very weak one
          since all opensource players I know handle the ICY lines correctly.


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