
Vektor Space

  • Shane Semler

    Shane Semler - 2005-01-15

    I stumbled across this on Acid-Play, a site for freeware games. It's a Tron-variant so I figure people interested in GLTron might like to take a look at this as well. It's got some interesting gameplay and it looks quite nice too! Instead of moving on a grid, your vehicle moves in large arcs and you can bust through walls but only a limited number of times before your shield fails. There is also a vehicle customizing option that allows you to tweak the speed, maneuverability, etc. It has a cool combination of features. Check it out:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Nice, but GLTron still seems to be better.

      • Draken
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      After having a few rounds of this, I still stay that GLTron is the superior better game. Undeniably, having vehicles with different attributes and a selection of arenas are excellent features for such a game, and I dream of them being integrated into GLTron, but the critical flaw of the game is the controls. In short, they are far too loose. Most of the time I died was in attempting to enclose the other racers within my trail and ramming into the wall myself. There is too little leyway for turning into the intended direction in time.

      It's still well worth a try though if your in the mood for a less constraned version of GLTron.

    • Shane Semler

      Shane Semler - 2005-01-26

      I wasn't suggesting it was better or worse, I simply said it was interesting.


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