With an at runtime added TGLLines object the local axes are always shown unfortunately. Line1:=TGLLines(DummyCube1.AddNewChild(TGLLines));
Setting Line1.ShowAxes := false has no effect at all.
Is it a bug?
Is there an other way to prevent showing of the local axes for TGLLines objects?
With an at runtime added TGLLines object the local axes are always shown unfortunately. Line1:=TGLLines(DummyCube1.AddNewChild(TGLLines));
Setting Line1.ShowAxes := false has no effect at all.
Is it a bug?
Is there an other way to prevent showing of the local axes for TGLLines objects?
Code fragment:
Line1 := TGLLines(DummyCube1.AddNewChild(TGLLines));
Line1.LineColor.Red := 0;
Line1.LineColor.Green := 1;
Line1.LineColor.Blue := 0;
Line1.LineWidth := 5;
Line1.LinePattern := round(0.8MaxWord);
Kind regards,
Gerrit Wolsink