
IntensityMesh demo in the GLScele/Examples/AdvDemos

  • Sergio

    Sergio - 2024-08-08

    I never understood well the use of .data files to use in the MeshObjects. Now I am trying to learn about.
    My IntensityMesh demo is working correctly,
    I tried to read what is inside the file using notepad. I imagine that we have there a cloud of points with the coordinates, colours, etc. It took some time and after I could read a text with Japanese symbols.

    I remember that in the past I could see the data inside this same file in understandable letters.

    FIRST QUESTION: is there another way to read what is inside the file? Which app ? Is it possible to read the .data file with Anaconda/Python?
    SECOND QUESTION: Suppose I have a CAD drawing of the duct of the demo. Is it possible to save it as .data to enable to use in the demo. What was the technique to create that file?
    THIRD QUESTION: I am trying to get a .data file of a small boat to put inside the demo ? I tried to find some converters like CAD to .data but I thing I am doing in the wrong way. Any suggestion?
    Thank you in advance

    Have a boat more or less like attached in .data format ?


    Last edit: Sergio 2024-08-08
  • Pavel Vassiliev

    Pavel Vassiliev - 2024-08-09

    Sergio, you can look at the data in the debugger and make sure there are no Japanese symbols. You can re-save this data there to a text CSV file. Again, this is like an isosurface (2D to 3D), and the real volumetric 3D data are voxels, which are usually processed to build isosurfaces using the marching cubes algorithm. Perhaps in your case it will be enough to use only a model of a thin-walled ship structure, but usually, for an accurate calculation of stresses and strength, a volumetric model with tetrahedral finite elements is built, which can then be visualized itself or transformed, interpolated to to voxels elements, making sections or isosurfaces.

  • Sergio

    Sergio - 2024-08-10

    Hi Pavel. Thank you very much. So easy to read the comtents with the debugger. I did not think on this. In the past I learned to create meshes in the code like the attached but never study properly how to go from 3D models in Blender or Freecad and convert them to meshes to import from GLScene (more or less like in IntensityMesh demo). Now I will go deep to do this . Soon I will post a demo and ask more questions.


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