
A life..

  • Michael

    Michael - 2000-01-12

    Looks like a good start. Couple of comments.

    #1. Missing docs. What rules is it using? what's
    interesting about the display? I mean, the moving
    dots are nice, but what does it all mean? :)

    #2. I have this fantasy about seeing an a-life
    simulator built along the lines of the seti
    clients. I.e. lots of clients that pass bits
    back and forth to create a fairly massive
    simulation. Any chance that this will grow in
    that direction?

    • Ali Abdin

      Ali Abdin - 2000-01-13

      yeah - i know its scarce on docs at the moment, but for now i haven't had the time or incentive to figure out docbook and sgml to write them up - if anyone is willing to do that for me, cool - i'll email the necessary info.
      the top dots are the 'animals' or 'autonomous agents' or whatever name you want to call of them (i call them animals but think of them as members of the society). the lower dots are the terrain - the more food in the terrain the bigger the size. The animal size is constant.

      Right now, the only basic rule is 'move randomly'. If an animal /can/ move, it will move (i.e. all possible movements are selected, and then it randomly picks one of them). I know, i should get more rules done (the next two rules i plan to tackle are reproduction and food need (i.e. they eat food, die if they don't have food).

      A good place to read up on the rules is the book called 'Growing Artificial Societies' - i plan on either implementing those rules, or creating derivatives from those rules. Otherwise, you can read source, ask me, or wait till i or somebody else writes the docs

      as for your second point - its probably not feasible - the main problem in what you brought up is that i'd need a server to handle the information and pass the bits back and forth - I don't have that kind of resources at the moment...maybe someday but highly unlikely (i.e. don't hold your breath)


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