
Window doesn't close

Using GLFW
  • Jose

    Jose - 2011-04-09


    When pressing the close button of the window it does not close… Nevertheless,
    I made it so that when pressing the 'esc' key it does.

    Can anyone tell me what is happening?


  • elmindreda

    elmindreda - 2011-04-09

    Which OS are you using?
    Did you set a close callback?

  • Jose

    Jose - 2011-04-09

    I use Linux.
    Thanks for the hint.
    The program had not a close callback. I made one which turned GL_FALSE the
    'running' variable associated with the main 'while(running)' loop and
    returned GL_TRUE. Now the window closes when the close button of the window
    is pressed.

  • elmindreda

    elmindreda - 2011-04-09

    That is very strange. If you don't have a close callback, the window should
    just close.

    Which version of GLFW is this?