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GLeDitor version is available

The GLeDitor 2.5.4 executable and installer are available to download.

Changelog v. 2.5.4:

  • convert end-line terminator to CR/LF (standard for DOS/Windows)
  • convert end-line terminator to LF (Unix, GNU/Linux, MacOS X)
  • convert end-line terminator to CR (other legacy systems)
  • minor bug fixes

Changelog v. 2.5.3:

  • new icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (
  • block indentation
  • minor bug fixes
Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2015-03-12 Labels: release changelog download

GLeDitor 2.3.2 is out!

Please update your copy of GLeDitor, there's a small improvement in the Configuration form (right-click on the edit box associated with directory and parameters of compiler calls).

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2009-01-15

GLeDitor 2.3.1 (Windows Vista enabled!)

GLeDitor 2.3.1 has syntax highlight for Python, is more integrated in the last Microsoft OS and has some small changes in the interface.
Check it out now!!

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2009-01-06

GLeDitor 2.3 is out!

Some minor improvements in GLeDitor make me say the editor is mature enough; this is the release you should use, so please upgrade your GLeDitor to this version!

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2008-02-18

GLeDitor version

I have yet released the binary and the source package of GLeDitor version; I've fixed a pair of bug, added a splitter to resize the extended search panel...
If you use the Extended Search, please upgrade your GLeDitor binary to this version.

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2007-06-30

GLeDitor 2.2.7 turkish edition

Thanks to Esra Battar, now we have a turkish translation of GLeDitor. Check the download page, under 2.2.7 releases.

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2006-10-30

GLeDitor 2.2.8 - a step ahead.

The new release of GLeDitor adds a new big feature: the "Extended Search"!
If you have already used GLeDitor, you should update it immediately!
Another brand-new feature is the "run-time localization" (english and italian, by now): selecting a menu item you can get the GLeDitor translated in your language (Uhmm, this is strictly true only if you are English, North-american or Italian).

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2006-10-21

GLeDitor v.2.2.2 released

Source, english and italian binary are available (sorry, no installer for this release by now).
Added a small function to improve XML files readability, solved other minor bugs.
This release is for Win32 architectures only.

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2006-08-24

GLeDitor project status

the GLeDitor project is now separated in two branches:

V.2) GLeDitor version 2 - for Win32 architectures, compiled under Delphi6 (but it should compile quite easily under D4, D5, D7 and D2005). The last version is 2.2.1, of which you can download the source, the binary executable or the Windows installer. The manual is not yet ready, so it is not included.

V.3) GLeDitor version 3 - for Linux, BSD, MacOsX and Win32 - rewritten in freepascal with the Lazarus IDE. This version is not yet released, because there's some problem that have to be solved before the software could be actually used.
Currently, I'm working on a MacOsX PowerPc machine, but I should maintain the code as clean and platform-independent as possible.

Posted by GianLuca DeMichelis 2006-08-04