
#8 filter*param doesn't work correctly


A filternode can't access a parameter that was added and exported by a filternetwork, for example

(filternetwork sample
(node wf write_file
(export-param filename filename "name of savefile")
(node ain audio_in)
(connect ain left_out wf left_in)
(connect ain right_out wf right_in)

This is IMHO a valid network file. Test log:

ehlert@frodo:~/Proggen/glame/src/filter> ./test_network net_test_sample filename foo.wav
parse_node: added node write_file (filter wf)
parse_node: export-param: filternetwork_add_param(net,wf,filename,filename,"name of savefile")
parse_node: finished node
parse_node: added node audio_in (filter ain)
parse_node: finished node
parse_connect: added connection ain left_out wf left_in
parse_connect: added connection ain right_out wf right_in
setting parameter filename to foo.wav
aunching network
filternetwork_launch: initting nodes
filternetwork_launch: launching nodes
launcher: audio_in launched
esd_in_f: esd_in_f started!
filternetwork_launch: waiting for nodes to complete initialization
launcher: write_file launched
write_file_f: write-file started!
write_file_f: channelCount=2
write_file_f: missing filename!
launcher: write_file had failure
filternetwork_launch: error.
error in filternetwork_launch()
network launched, waiting for completion
error in filternetwork_wait()

That's it.


  • Alexander Ehlert

    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • assigned_to: nobody --> richi
    • status: Error - status not found --> open
  • Richard Guenther

    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Richard Guenther

    If you want to set a parameter of type string you have to provide a quoted string, i.e.
    \"capt.wav\" instead of simply capt.wav. I do not consider this a real bug, but a documentation one - but I may want to add the feature to detect a missing quotation.



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