orangeek - 2008-02-01

Hi Tim.
A couple of things that I've to do in order to have gizmod working; I don't know if they're relevant but maybe they do.
my knoppmyth boots with lirc and the modules loaded _along_ with the ati_remote driver loaded.
To use the kernel driver I've to:
a. stop lirc
b. remove lirc modules
c. remove the ati_remote module
d. insmod the ati_remote module (somehow modprobe doesnt find the .ko file)
d. chmodding the input devices (now I'm in testing phase: I'll create the udev rules later)
e. now the x10 works with the ati_remote kernel driver

So, about the tests you suggest, here is what I've been through.
1.With lirc loaded, irw says and the mouse pad on the x10 doesnt work
0000001448730000 00 MOUSE_DOWN REMOTE_WONDER

2.with lirc and gizmod not running, the mouse pad works (cursor movement and left right click)

3.with default gizmod (no hack to avoid mouse check) running, the mouse pad on the x10 doesnt work and the output of gizmod is like this
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: 0x4
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_LEFT> c: 0x110 v: 0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_LEFT> c: 0x110 v: 0x0
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_RIGHT> c: 0x111 v: 0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_RIGHT> c: 0x111 v: 0x1

4.with default gizmod running and mouse connected, the mouse pad works but worse than with test number 2. (it's not so fast and is -I don't know the noun in english but is like when you got 8FPS on doom). the gizmod's output is like this
onEvent: WindowFocus [FocusIn] -- <WindowTitle:(root window)> <FormalName:(root window)> <Class:(root window)>
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x1
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x2
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x2
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: 0x1
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: 0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x2
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x2
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x1
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x1
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x2
onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x0 Val: -0x2
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_LEFT> c: 0x110 v: 0x1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/etc/gizmod/", line 109, in onEvent
    if UserScript.onEvent(Event, Gizmo):
  File "/etc/gizmod/modules.d/bases/", line 73, in onEvent
    return self.onDeviceEvent(Event, Gizmo)
  File "/etc/gizmod/modules.d/", line 64, in onDeviceEvent
    Gizmod.Mice[0].createEventRaw(GizmoEventType.EV_KEY, GizmoKey.KEY_BTN_LFT, Event.Value)
AttributeError: type object 'GizmoDaemon.GizmoKey' has no attribute 'KEY_BTN_LFT'
Failed to call GizmodDispatcher.onEvent for deserializeMessage
onEvent: ATIX10 -- /dev/input/event2 | [EV_KEY] <BTN_LEFT> c: 0x110 v: 0x0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/etc/gizmod/", line 109, in onEvent
    if UserScript.onEvent(Event, Gizmo):
  File "/etc/gizmod/modules.d/bases/", line 73, in onEvent
    return self.onDeviceEvent(Event, Gizmo)
  File "/etc/gizmod/modules.d/", line 64, in onDeviceEvent
    Gizmod.Mice[0].createEventRaw(GizmoEventType.EV_KEY, GizmoKey.KEY_BTN_LFT, Event.Value)
AttributeError: type object 'GizmoDaemon.GizmoKey' has no attribute 'KEY_BTN_LFT'
Failed to call GizmodDispatcher.onEvent for deserializeMessage

The error above is when I press the left mouse pad button on the x10 (with the right button is the same).

5. with hacked gizmod running, the x10 works but gives some errors If I press the mouse pad :D

Hope this helps.
