
GNOME ir Monitor / News: Recent posts

2.0.0 released

I've put together a tar.gz file for my 2.0.0 release.

Sorry, but no rpms made it this time.

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2002-07-23

GNOME2 status

I've ported most of my code to GNOME2. The applet is now working as before. And I have plugged some bugs I found on the way.

Started to look at new functionallity. But haven't done much here.

Still need some nice graphics. :)

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2002-07-21


I've starting the gnome2 port of girda. When that is done, I'll try to add some more functionallity.

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2002-06-29


I'm not able to do as much as I want to, due to my work situation. I hope to continue very soon.

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2002-02-04

GIrDA 0.3 released

I released a new version of GIrDA. In this release i changed the 'discovered device layout' from a tooltip to a popup box. This makes things more flexable.

I really should get some new graphics, but I'm not into gimp, and I have too much to do at work. :)

But it will come..

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2002-01-13

GIrDA 0.2 released

This is just a rpm release. I put together a RedHat 7.x rpm and released it as 0.2.

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2001-12-25

Important 0.1

This release fix a location bug. The 'firstout' release didn't take care of the location. This release does.

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2001-12-20

Initial release

Posted by Ragnar Henriksen 2001-12-19