Michael - 2016-12-13

I have installed the recently released Sierra version of GIMP 2.8.18 and find the same bug that was apparent in the past several Mac versions: Copy/Paste is not working for me. I'd very much like to know if anyone else is encountering the problem, but can't find any place to inquir. The problem is I can copy a part of an image with COMMAND-C, but as soon as I press COMMAND-V to paste the selection box vanishes and I therefore can't move the pasted selection as I could in GIMP a few versions back. It's done this for the past year or two (sorry I can't be more accurate) and severely limits GIMP's useability. I would really like to know if anyone else is finding this issue or what could be happening on my system to cause it. I recently upgraded to Sierra and had the issue with Mountain Lion and Yosemite before. Anyone?