
gICE Gnome Intelligent C Editor / News: Recent posts

Cambio en la pagina web / changes in web page

Cambio en la pagina web / changes in web page

Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2003-08-06

Future of gice

Sorry for no updates, but i want to clarify the future of gice

The powerful of gice is the editor zone (GtkCedit), not the environment, the future of the project is to find a programmer (or a group) that is interested in the editor. The environment is only to show the possibilities of this editor, and perhaps i will translate it, only to show to english community the powerful of this editor.

In the other hands it will need a rewrite, using pango for antialiasing text, and rebuild the syntax analizer using flex and byson (i learned the usage :D), and this is a lot of work.... read more

Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2003-07-17

gICE 0.6.1

A new release, the changes are:

Added Go to definition, Suggestions and now preferences are finished

Soon a new release accelerating the correction.

Un nuevo release, los cambios son:
Aadido Ir a definicin, Sugerencias y ahora las preferencias funcionana (o casi :)

Dentro de poco saldr una versin acelerando el corrector.

Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2002-06-20


A Spanish manual in the web page.

Hay un manual en espaol en la pagina web.
(Manual de uso, instalacin y manual del programador)
.pdf y .dvi

Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2002-06-20

gICE 0.6

This is the first public release.

The changes are:
Basic Edit (write, delete)
Scroll (horizontal, vertical)
Undo / Redo
Load / Save
Coloring the text
Spell check (90%)
Basic environment


Better environment
Go to definition
More thinks...

Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2002-06-09

hi / Holas

Ok, the project has started. If you need help or you have a suggestion or something, please, tell me.
You can post message in English or Spanish (Spanish are my natural language)

Bueno, el proyecto ha comenzado. Si teneis alguna duda, sugerencia o cualquier cosa, porfavor, hacedmelo saber.
Podeis poner mensajes en ingles o Espaol (Espaol es mi lenguaje materno, seran mas apreciados)


Posted by Carlos Rodríguez C. 2002-06-09