
ggredit / News: Recent posts

DDraw for Windows

DDraw 0.0.4 is now available also for Windows.

Posted by ilkapo 2010-05-26

DDraw 0.0.4

A new DDraw release is now available.

This release include many new features:
- orthogonal connectors
- automatically draw connectors (straight or diagonal) without overlapping other shapes
- gradient fill
- shadow effect
- a style toolbar was introduced (not complete)

Posted by ilkapo 2010-05-22

Upcoming release

A new DDraw release is upcomuing, I don't update sourceforge for a lot of time but I never stop to work on DDraw.

The main feature will be connection management, with a new way called "intelligent connection" that automatically draw lines without overlapping other objects. See this video for a preview:

Fixed many bugs.

With this new release DDraw will be available also for Windows systems.... read more

Posted by ilkapo 2009-10-29

DDraw version 0.0.3 (alpha)

A new DDraw release is now available.

This is an alpha version, DDraw is still under development.

This version include many new features and fix major bugs:

- Preferences dialog allow to select default values
- New tool for create star
- Group/Ungroup objects
- Modify drawing order: bring to front, send to back, up one level, down one level
- Automatic image resize when an image is selected
- Properties browser remember collapsed status for properties-group
- Rectangles can have rounded corners, by specifing a value for the property "Round radius"
- Fixed Bug on resize of rotated objects

Posted by ilkapo 2009-04-09

ddraw release 0.0.2 alpha

A new ddraw release 0.0.2 alpha is now available.

This is an alpha version and is not possible to create the large number of diagrams, anyway the project seems to take shape.

This version include many new features and fix major bugs:

- a new tool allow to draw regular polygons specifying sides number
- all objects can be easily rotated when selected using a drag point
- fill and stroke color can have an alpha value from 0 to 100 for change opacity
- active page can be exported to SVG or PDF file using the File/Export menu option
- text is rendered using fill and stroke properties instead of the simple text color
- images can be stretched using the stretch property
- fill properties and stroke propeties are shown grouped on the properties browser
- various bugs fixed

Posted by ilkapo 2009-02-07

First ggredit package

I am pleased to announce the first release of the
GGredit library and of DDraw the diagram editor.
This is only a PoC but the 1.0 is not so far.

This release show main feature of DDraw like infinite undo/redo commands, clipboard management (at any level), load and save documents, print and pint preview.

Have a look and see you soon...

Posted by ilkapo 2009-01-02