
Gfarm File System / News: Recent posts

Gfarm 2.6.0 released

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of

  • Gfarm file system version 2.6.0
  • Gfarm file system version

Gfarm 2.6.0 is a major update that includes the following new features;

  • End-to-end data integrity to detect silent data corruption
  • Client transparent gfmd failover
  • File system node group to specify replica locations
  • CentOS 7 support

To update from Gfarm 2.5.8.X or earlier to Gfarm 2.6.0, config-gfarm-update is required to update a Postgresql database schema;... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2014-12-18

Gfarm 2.3.0 released

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm file system version
2.3.0, Gfarm2fs version 1.1.1, and Gfarm GridFTP DSI version 1.0.0.

Major update includes extended attributes, XML extended attributes,
automatic reconnection to gfmd, group management by the Virtual
Organization Membership Service (VOMS), multiple spools support in
GSI. XML extended attributes are a unique feature of Gfarm, which is
searchable by XPath. Multiple spools support is a contribution from
Nikola Garafolic. This release also includes some bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2009-08-23

Gfarm 2.2.0 released

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm file system version
2.2.0 and Gfarm2fs version 1.1.0.

Major update includes symbolic links support, hundreds of clients
support, and directory listing speedup. This release also includes
some bug fixes.

After upgrading to this version, it is necessary to update the backend
database setting as follows;

# service gfmd stop
# config-gfarm-update --update-symlink
# service gfmd start... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2009-03-30

thput-fsys 0.9.3 released

File I/O bandwidth benchmark - thput-fsys and thput-mpi

*** What are thput-fsys and thput-mpi?

thput-fsys measures file I/O bandwidth for sequential
writing, sequential reading, and file copying. File
size to be measured, and block size for each write(2)
and read(2) operation can be specified by the command-
line options '-s' and '-b', respectively.

thput-mpi measures parallel file I/O bandwidth for
sequential writing, sequential reading, and file
copying of a different file in a shared file system or
each separate file system.... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2009-01-20

Gfarm 2.1.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm file system version
2.1.1 and Gfarm2fs version 1.0.2.

Major update is to support a hardlink and on-demand replication.
This release also includes some bug fixes.

After upgrading to this version, it is necessary to restart
gfmd and gfsd (several times for safe). It is *not* necessary
to execute config-gfarm or config-gfsd script again.... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2008-09-27

Gfarm 2.1.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm file system version
2.1.0 and Gfarm2fs version 1.0.1.

Major update is to support GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) and some
key features including group management and disk usage report.
Gfarm2fs now supports statfs() which enables 'df' command.

This release includes performance improvement for remote read and
write from a distant location, which may cause poor performance when
accessing to old gfsd in version 2.0.0. We recommend to upgrade all
file system nodes at the same time although we keep the compatibility.... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2008-05-27

Gfarm 2.0.0 released

We are very pleased to announce the first public release of Gfarm file
system version 2.0.0, aka Gfarm v2, which is a major new release of
the Gfarm file system. It solves several security issues in Gfarm v1,
and improves performance for small files.

To mount the Gfarm file system, gfarm2fs is also required to be
installed. Since it is a major new release, there is no compatibility
in structure of a spool directory on each file system node. Easiest
way to migrate files from a Gfarm v1 file system is... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2007-11-28

Gfarm 1.4.99 current snapshot

We will provide gfarm_v1_current package for user's convenience to easily catch up with the recent development in Gfarm v1 main trunk. It will be available basically on demand or when some feedback is required.


Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2007-05-14

Gfarm 1.4.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm version 1.4.1. This version is mainly bugfix release. One major update, however, is to support a new metadata schema to reduce data amount in the PostgreSQL server. The update is critical to the operation of the metadata server especially when millions numbers of files are stored on the Gfarm filesystem. When you would like to enable this feature on your existing Gfarm environment, you need to backup the metadata, run config-gfarm again, and restore the metadata as follows.
Metadata dump by "gfhost -M > host.dump" and "gfdump -d > fs.dump"
config-gfarm ....
Metadata restore by "gfhost -R < host.dump" and "gfdump -r < fs.dump"
Note that the old schema in metadata is still supported. You don't have to proceed the above steps at all, if not needed.... read more

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2007-05-01