
DNS lookups on network scan not working

Greg Dent
  • Greg Dent

    Greg Dent - 2022-05-13

    I've been pulling my hair out trying to get GestioIP to pull down information from our DNS servers. We run Active Directory for our directory services, so our DNS servers are all MS domain controllers.

    I've followed the documentation to setup PowerDNS on the GestioIP box, and this is running ok, with the correct zone setup and an initial setup of 2 nameservers and A records for them. I then setup DNS zone transfers to the GestioIP box from the DNS zone I am wanting to sync, and it added the GestioIP server successfully (this fails if PDNS is not correctly setup/running on the box).

    I've also configured valid DNS servers in the GestioIP config too for normal DNS lookups, but whenever I scan a network it says no DNS entry found. I dont think its even trying to do DNS lookups though, but I've no idea whats going on in the background - its all a bit of a black box.

    Are there any better docs on how to get DNS lookups/syncs working on GestioIP with a windows DNS system? Is there anything else I need to do in the GestioIP config to enable this to work properly?

  • Marc Uebel

    Marc Uebel - 2022-05-13

    Hi Greg
    You find log information in /usr/share/gestioip/var/log/make_update.log and /usr/share/gestioip/var/log/gip_pdns_sync.log


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