
#71 Features for panelization / merging

Anders F

Ref: v2.6.0.
Looks like a great tool - and it seems all the basic features are there (moving/rotating layers (invluding drill files), exporting merged layers as gerbers/drill files) for merging/panelizing gerbers! :-D
Unfortunately it's a pain to use (or I'm missing something)... It would be great if more layers could be manipulated at once! In version 2.6 it seems necessary to perform manipulations (modify orientation command) manually on each separate layer of a design?

Additional comments:
1) Currently I can't get gerbv to understand the hole sizes of the drill files. But I'm sure this is possible - one way or another...(?) If not I won't be able to use the gerbers - PCBs without holes are pretty much useless ;-)
2) In the open layer dialog I miss a way of sorting by file type.
3) I think a toggle all layers on/off would be a great UI addition...
4) If there's an online manual, wiki, forum, or other reference/help it would be great to add under the help menu. (I can only find which is not helping... ;-)


  • Anders F

    Anders F - 2013-03-17
    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements
  • mrx23dot

    mrx23dot - 2013-09-22

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