Activity for Geotag

  • Chris Wilkinson Chris Wilkinson posted a comment on discussion Help

    The site seems to be down since executing javaws geotag.jnlp gives a not found error Has this moved somewhere?

  • Yuri Shpalensky Yuri Shpalensky posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I've already been using GeoTag for several years and sometimes I see such phenomenon: I correct the GPS information of a certain image using a map open in the browser and Google Earth, then save the result in GeoTag and delete this image from it, and also close the corresponding map in the browser. Google Earth remains open. If I open this image again in GeoTag and on the map, sometimes it turns out that the coordinates have changed compared to the saved ones. Does anyone know why this could...

  • Georg Georg created ticket #41

    Provide sorting of columns

  • gueba gueba posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's it. Working now. Thank you very much

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. modified a comment on discussion Help

    The problem is that Geotag specifies the GPSLongitudeReffirst and then the GPSLongitude. It seems that Exiftool 12.45 misinterprets the longitude when specified in this order. The good news is that with Exiftool 12.62 this problem no longer occurs.

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem is that geotag specifies the GPSLongitudeReffirst and then the GPSLongitude. It seems that Exiftool 12.45 misinterprets the longitude when specified in this order. The good news is that with Exiftool 12.62 this problem no longer occurs.

  • gueba gueba posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for answering. Attached picture and logfile. This happens only on this particular machine (WIN10). The behaviour is not reproducable on other machines (WIN or Linux).

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. posted a comment on discussion Help

    @gueba/John Davies Never encountered such a behavior. But if you want to publish a sample file where it happened and the geotag.log log file (you find it in the temp directory), I could check it.

  • gueba gueba posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi John, my son experiences the same behaviour. Did you find an explanation / solution?

  • John Davies John Davies posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I like the Geotag interface but I'm having a problem saving coordinates. If I enter a negative coordinate, it is saved as a positive. Then my geotaggs are East and not West. Any ideas hoe to fix?

  • dieter dieter posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have - unfortunately - the same error. I have tried the last tip described, without success. Still the same error. I used the program for the last time about half a year ago, without problems. Does anyone here still have an idea how to solve the problem? Thanks for help

  • Mohammad Mohammad posted a comment on discussion Help

    Removing Java Development Kit resolved the issue.

  • Mohammad Mohammad posted a comment on discussion Help

    This feature suddenly stopped working. I'm not sure why this happened, I tried reinstalling everything but still same error. There is something wrong with the web server apparently but im unable to fix it.

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. created ticket #11

    Fix for Saving Issues under Windows

  • Michael Minke Michael Minke posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you so much for the detailed explanation of the technical dependencies and for providing a potential patch. It seems, that your assumption, that the issue might be related to creation of multiple ExifTool processes was absolutely correct. I did a quick test with a small amount of files and for me the patch you've provided really resolved the issue with saving multiple pictures at once! Great! Please see attached screen shots as reference.

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. posted a comment on discussion Help

    You didn't save any files when the log file was created. So the log doesn't show what happens when saving. But anyways, I think it's an issue with ExifTool. ExifTool behaves quite strangely under Windows. exiftool(-k).exe is a compressed RAR file that uncompresses itself to the %Temp% directory. This can cause unexpected problems with anti virus tools. Geotag makes it even worse, since it creates a new ExifTool process for every picture it saves. But that's not necessary. With the -stay_open option...

  • Michael Minke Michael Minke posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey! Thanks for the hint with "Geotag.log" - even as it did not help to improve the situation. When looking into this file, I saw a number of warnings caused by the unavailability of some external tools I am not using at all. Cannot run program "gpsbabel": CreateProcess error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source) at org.fibs.geotag.gpsbabel.GPSBabel.checkGPSBabelAvailable( at org.fibs.geotag.gui.MainWindow.<init>(

  • M.J.K. M.J.K. posted a comment on discussion Help

    From the screenshot I guess you're using Windows. So have a look at the file "Geotag.log" in the Temp directory (usually C:\Users{YOUR_USER_NAME}\AppData\Local\Temp). Maybe you'll find the reason of the error there.

  • Michael Minke Michael Minke posted a comment on ticket #35

    I am observing a similar behavior also with the currently available latest revision 0.1.03 - I am not sure, whether this is related to the same topic but please have a look at the topic I've created in the help forum: Geotag 0.103: "File->Save new locations -> all images" does not work - Batch processing stops after 1st image is saved

  • Michael Minke Michael Minke posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, I am using Geotag quite often to correct time deviations and adjust location details in my private vacation pictures. I really appreciate this small, lightweight and easy to use Java application. However, there is one thing which never really worked for me: For some reason I am unable to save multiple files at once, no matter whether I chose all files or selected files (if multiple files are selected) in the File-> Save menu, batch processing just doesn't work. In any case, just the first...

  • Herman Herman posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have installed Geotag 0.103 (Build 3521) on my Linux Mint 20 computer. I have been using Geotag on Windows and at times also on Linux before without ever a problem. This time however after a fresh install, the are two (important) things not working. Fiirst, I cannot tell Geotag where either dcraw or exiftool are located. I can after clicking on the correct menu options get to where I can select the location, I can then indeed select the location, but if I then click on OK, nothing happens. the...

  • Cavok Cavok posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I use Geotag 0.103 (Build 3521) on Windows 7. Geotag can find GPS coordinates for picture with GPX file. But I can't save GPS coordinates on picture file. Do you have an idea to solve this problem? Thank you for your help.

  • Matthew Geier Matthew Geier posted a comment on discussion Help

    With increasingly strict licensing requirements being placed on Oracle Java, figuring out why it doesn't like the opensource Iced-Tea JVM becomes more of an issue.

  • Upupa epops Upupa epops modified a comment on discussion Help

    Aha, I followed these instructions to install Java 8 and then did what Val said and it worked. I had Java 11 installed before.

  • Upupa epops Upupa epops modified a comment on discussion Help

    Aha, I followed these instructions to install Java 8 and then did what Val said and it worked.

  • Upupa epops Upupa epops posted a comment on discussion Help

    Aha, I followed these instructions to install Java 8 and then did what Val said and it worked.

  • Upupa epops Upupa epops posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I am new to Ubuntu and I think I am having the same issue. When I was using Windows I used GeoSetter but it only works on Windows. When I try to run the geotag-0.103.jar file from the Terminal, the Geotag logo appears in the middle of my screen but nothing else happens after that. I believe I installed Java and EXIFTool correctly through the Terminal... What do I need to do?

  • Chris Wilkinson Chris Wilkinson posted a comment on discussion Help

    A number of my image files silently refuse to update with the added GPS info. I've traced this back to ExifTool refusing to update if the Maker Notes field offset is corrupted as frequently happens when photo editing software is used. Is there a setting that flags this error or can correct it automatically? -Chris-

  • Val Val posted a comment on discussion Help

    Matthew Geier: install java-8 and then use "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to switch between Java 8, which Geotag appears to work fine with, and whatever Java version your distribution is using.

  • Matthew Geier Matthew Geier posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does any one have a fix to make this work under the stock OpenJDK on ubuntu. With Oracle locking down the license of their JRE (I no can not run Oracle Java at work, as that may consitute commercal use, requiring an paid Oracle license), working out why Geotag and OpenJDK do not get a long is becomming an issue for me

  • Mikhail Tchernychev Mikhail Tchernychev posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was able to fix by downloading jre-6u45-linux-x64.bin from Oracle and running as /home/<...>/jre1.6.0_45/bin/java -Xmx256M -jar geotag-0.103.jar This seem works fine. SE 8 worked as well but could not display map in the browser. the stock ubuntu version penjdk version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4, mixed mode) aparently did not work.

  • Mikhail Tchernychev Mikhail Tchernychev posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I just updated computer from 32 to 64 bit Ubuntu and geotag freezes on startup screen.Older versions show first reminder on new version and then freeze as well. Exif tool is installed from upbuntu repos. Please help! Best Regards, Mikhail Tchernychev

  • Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion Help

    Greetings to all. Unluclkily that argument is not working, at least not for Windows 10 and spanish language.

  • Patrick Fischer Patrick Fischer posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can work around this by adding "-charset filename=utf8" to the exiftool arguments. At least, this worked for me with French accented characters and German umlauts.

  • gueba gueba posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry, folks. It works now without changes. Maybe a temporary issue with google maps?! greetings, guenther

  • gueba gueba posted a comment on discussion Help

    This happens when accesseing: http://localhost:4321/map/map.html?apiVersion=3&latitude=47.706738699986346&longitude=11.218118700001284&direction=false&zoom=15&images=6&language=de&maptype=Hybrid&menuopen=true&wheelzoom=false&showtracks=true&wikipedia=false on xubuntu 18.04.01. Tried openjdk11, openjdk8 and now oracle Java 8. Everything was fine on ubuntu 16.04. My browser is Firefox Quantum 61.01. Any help? Guenther

  • Evgeniy Evgeniy posted a comment on discussion Help

    You must change filename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe

  • Amy Iness Amy Iness posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey ilke, The answer might be outdated but through few years the policy of Google Maps changed drastically so maybe if not for you, my answer will be useful for others who look for the similiar solutions. Embedding Google Maps through API isn't the easiest so check the guide where you will learn it in 5 minutes. Cheers, Amy

  • Paolo Benvenuto Paolo Benvenuto created ticket #41

    unicode problem?

  • Den Den posted a comment on ticket #40

    My helper script is just that: 1 2#!/bin/sh java -Xmx256M -jar ~/bin/geotag-0.103.jar "$@"

  • Den Den created ticket #40

    Open Images from commandline

  • Balló György Balló György created ticket #40

    Broken with OpenJDK Java 9

  • Erni Erni modified a comment on discussion Help

    SOLVED! I have an explanation myself. Here it is: during installation of geotag on Windows 10 Java asks for access through the Windows firewall. I did not remember what I entered. But this is no problem. When you check START, System, Firewall, then reset Firewall to "standard" or remove the "Java" entry: next start of geotag will ask again for the necessary "Java" firewall entries. My problems came from JPGs with invalid GPS information, somewhere north of north pole :-(. This results in grey/empty...

  • Erni Erni posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have an explanation myself. Here it is: during installation of geotag on Windows 10 Java asks for access through the Windows firewall. I did not remember what I entered. But this is no problem. When you check START, System, Firewall, then reset Firewall to "standard" or remove the "Java" entry: next start of geotag will ask again for the necessary "Java" firewall entries. My problems came from JPGs with invalid GPS information, somewhere north of north pole :-(. This results in grey/empty maps...

  • Den Den posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Thank you for this great tool! I could not find an answer to this: Is ther a way to select the files to edid on the comand line while lunching the program? (Are there acutaly any comand line options?) Thanks for your help! Den

  • Den Den posted a comment on ticket #30

    Yes, that would be a very handy function. I searced long for it before I decided it is not possible...

  • Ernst Janich Ernst Janich posted a comment on discussion Help

    Last year I've used geotag. Worked fine. I liked it. Today updated my java version. Then updated/downloaded geotag-0.103.jar. During installation or first start I clicked on a security issue. Sorry, I do not remember which. I start geotag using GPX-file and JPGs. "Auf Karte anzeigen/dieses Bild" (show on map/this picture) resulta in a Browser call to http://localhost:4321/map/map.html ... and a grey/empty image. I do not use any proxy; My Win10 system is directly connected to internet. Since last...

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do Exiftool, GPSBabel and Dcraw handle umlauts in file names on Windows, MacOS, Linux, BSD etc? Geotag relies on them to do its job... I can't test all possible combinations and can't see how to support this on all platforms... Unfortunately it's a lot less work for you to rename the files than it would be for me to implement this... Tut mir leid...

  • Schäfer-Siebert Schäfer-Siebert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Currently obviously files with german "Umlauten" like ä,ö,ü,Ä,Ö,Ü,ß can not be processed, i.e. stored with added location information. Please add, that filenames are also alowed to contain these characters

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't see the benefit for geotagging images. And the implementation effort would be quite high. So, sorry - no...

  • Marc Van Schandevijl Marc Van Schandevijl posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Wouldn!t it be possible to use Streetview starting from the position of a photo?

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.103/geotag-0.103.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.103/geotag-0.103.jar

  • fdar fdar posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have the same feature request. Most of the time I am tagging the same locations. It would be very handy to have a set of predefine coordinates&locations.

  • Thomas C Thomas C created ticket #39

    Limit on GPS Time Offset

  • MVG MVG posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there and thank you for writing this very useful bit of software. Could you please...

  • Jacques SIMON Jacques SIMON posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a dir. where some pictures do not have GP infos (in the EXIF). When Geotag...

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.102/geotag-0.102.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.102/geotag-0.102.jar

  • Elhiero Elhiero posted a comment on discussion Help

    When pathname for photos contains french accented characters , exiftool answer will...

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.101/geotag-0.101.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.101/geotag-0.101.tar.gz

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider posted a comment on ticket #38

    Oh dear. Sorry. Fixed in version 0.101 which I just released.

  • Matthew Geier Matthew Geier created ticket #38

    can't save altered images. Gives the appearance of saving, but doesn't actually save

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.100/geotag-0.100.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.100/geotag-0.100.tar.gz

  • Jim Jim posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've tried a few Windows geotagging apps for photos and now just managed to get Geotag...

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have no plans to implement this, as this can already be achieved by using exiftool...

  • Frank de Jong Frank de Jong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would it be possible to add an option to copy the "Location"-data also into the "Tags"-field...

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider modified ticket #37

    Clipboard Feature only updates first row

  • Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider posted a comment on ticket #37

    Well spotted. Thanks. Fixed in version 0.099. Just released.

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.099/geotag-0.099.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.099/geotag-0.099.jar

  • Patrick Fischer Patrick Fischer created ticket #37

    Clipboard Feature only updates first row

  • Paolo Bertinetti Paolo Bertinetti posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I use GeoTag on Mac from long time and now I need to install it on Windows 7...

  • Victoria Gracia Victoria Gracia posted a comment on ticket #36

    New to Geotag (interested in finding a good program just for geotagging my images),...

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.098/geotag-0.098.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.098/geotag-0.098.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.097/geotag-0.097.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.097/geotag-0.097.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.097/geotag-0.097.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.097/geotag-0.097.jar

  • Hans Lentfert Hans Lentfert posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm a new user but seem to have managed the simpler elements of Geotag including...

  • Heiner Eichmann Heiner Eichmann created ticket #10

    WIndows: cannot save new locations if filename contains umlaut

  • Heiner Eichmann Heiner Eichmann created ticket #9

    No markers if image file name contains umlauts

  • Heiner Eichmann Heiner Eichmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! If you click on "Save new locations", the exif information of the image(s) are...

  • Andrew Johnston Andrew Johnston posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have an interesting problem with GeoTag 0.96. It has been running fine on my...

  • Chris Chiappa Chris Chiappa created ticket #36

    No image files loaded

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.096/geotag-0.096.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.096/geotag-0.096.tar.gz

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.096/geotag-0.096.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.096/geotag-0.096.tar.gz

  • David David posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have no image display and no error message. It's not a Picasa problem in my case...

  • Kenneth Li Kenneth Li posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    com.drew.metadata.iptc line 205 str = new String(_data, offset, tagByteCount,...

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.095/geotag-0.095.jar

  • Geotag Geotag released /geotag/0.095/geotag-0.095.tar.gz

  • Erik Starbäck Erik Starbäck created ticket #39

    Multiple selection of "File -> Add images from dierctory"

  • Dave Dave created ticket #38

    Show number of images located at a pin on map

  • Kenneth Li Kenneth Li posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    oh just found the solution.

  • Kenneth Li Kenneth Li posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I use GeoTag to find the location name in Chinese or Japanese, it will display...

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