
GeoAr - WMS/WFS laszlo client / News: Recent posts

GeoAr - WMS/WFS laszlo client: Version Uploded

GeoAr intends to be a rich client for WMS and WFS services. It's developed on LZX (OpenLaszlo), so it would serve dhtml(near future) and flash to the user's browser giving the chance of select between them, but having only one server's source code.

Well, folks. Sorry for delay but too much work.
Now i have uploaded version 0.5.5 of Geoar. It has some improvements and about 10 demos where you can learn about application and how to use it.
Hope it will be useful for you. Please send comments,suggestions and improvements we have a lot of work to do to convert this tool in a complete set of tools, but we are on the way.... read more

Posted by macco 2008-01-15

Licenses changed...

People, we move from GPL to CPL. I'm not a lawyer but i have learnt a little about licenses these days. As i expect this could be helpful to your business as much as my own, i want to allow you to use my source code without restrictions (GPL is nice with users, but not with developers :-)...if you want to make money using/improving what i have done, why i will be so miserable to force you to release your improvements/projects under GPL and then, force you to release that code ? If you want to share, it depends on you, if you dont want, it doesnt care to me (anyway, if that is the case, you will die as you live -> alone and miserable :-) ) Freedom for users and also for developers !!!

Posted by macco 2007-08-16

New Site !!!

We have redone geoar site !
With this site, i expect to get a better way to communicate with geoar users, to share information and experiences.
Best regards and Enjoy it.

Posted by macco 2006-11-07

CVS & Languages

You can obtain sources from CVS repository also. In CVS there are the demos and sources for differentes languages and configurations.

Geoar sources contains also translations for Chinese and Japanese languages, but there is still some problems with configuration of fonts (including a ttf file into the SWF generated for chinese language is not convinient, and i cannot find on internet a reduced version for chinese font that works - For those people interested on make it working on their languages, feel free to contribute with that task and also to ask if it's necessary).

Posted by macco 2006-08-18

Marks !

There is available a preview of the Marks/Points feature at (if you select a circle, you will see the information related to that point—airports- on the right panel. Only 3 Airports shows its related fights to other airports (for instance : Las Vegas Airport).
This is just an example about the Mark Layer. All that points were configured on a XML file (but you can customize it to take them from a PHP/Java service instead of an XML).

Posted by macco 2006-08-18

Geoar 0.2.0 released

Version 0.2.0 of Geoar is up in SourceForge.
It include new functionallity for configuration and internationalization.
Look at the demos on home page and see new features working !

Posted by macco 2006-08-12

Demo uploaded!

There is a new package that contains a compiled demo version af Geoar.
You can embedded it in your site, and, if you are a developer, you can change the source to make your custom geoar demo !

Posted by macco 2006-06-26