
#11680 NTR: retrotranslocation complex


New term requests for protein complexes involved in retrograde transport of proteins from the ER to the cytosol during ERAD (ER-associated protein degradation):

endoplasmic reticulum retrotranslocation complex ; GO:NEW1
A multi-protein endoplasmic reticulum complex that transports protein substrates from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol for degradation by the cytosolic proteasome. In mammals, can contain at least Derlin-1, VCP-interacting membrane protein (VIMP), ER-specific ubiquitin protein ligases (E3 enzymes) and the ATPase p97/VCP.
exact synonym: dislocation complex [PMID:24807418]
narrow synonym: Derlin-1 dislocation complex [PMID:18555783, PMID:15215856]
narrow synonym: Derlin-1 complex [PMID:16186510]
broad synonym: retrotranslocation complex [PMID:23665563]
is_a: protein complex GO:0043234
part_of: endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; GO:0005789
intersection_of: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
intersection_of: capable_of_part_of GO:0006289 ! retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol ; GO:0030970

Derlin-1-VIMP complex ; GO:NEW2
A protein complex containing, in mammals, Derlin-1 and VCP-interacting membrane protein (VIMP). The complex links the p97/VCP-containing ATPase complex with Derlin-1 during translocation of protein substrates from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol for degradation by the cytosolic proteasome.
part_of: retrotranslocation complex ; GO:NEW1
is_a: protein complex GO:0043234
exact synonym: Derlin-1/VIMP complex [PMID:15215856]

NB: There's probably various retrotranslocation complexes that assemble along the way to facilitate the various steps of the retrograde transport, so I've kept the first term broad.

Any comments before I do the edits?
Thank you!


  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-05-07

    Hi Becky,

    Does the intersection of the first term really create a necessary and sufficient definition? Are there other complexes that take part in the process? If so, then maybe move those relations out of the cross-product def. Otherwise looks good.


  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-05-11

    Hi David,

    Originally I defined the retrotranslocation complex as containing everything that was necessary for the transported protein to move across the ER membrane into the cytosol. Typically this involves:
    -Substrate recognition proteins
    -Derlins or other candidate proteins that form a channel
    -ER ubiquitin ligases that modify the protein at the cytosolic side after a portion of the substrate has emerged in the cytosol
    -An ATPase complex that pulls the complex out of the membrane.

    We have a term for the 'pulling' ATPase complex already: GO:0034098
    And we have some ER ubiquitin ligase complex terms: GO:0000835 and children

    Let me do a little more reading about the sequence of events in forming the ERAD machinery- it may be that smaller complexes (e.g. A Derlin-containing translocon) may be more useful rather than one large complex with HAS_PART links. In which case I'll change the intersection to be a capable_of_part_of relationship instead.


  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-05-11
    • assigned_to: RFoulger
  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-05-11

    OK. Makes sense.

  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-05-14

    For now, created Derlin-1-VIMP complex ; GO:0036502

  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-06-23

    Coming back to this, I think it makes most sense to create a more defined term:

    Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex ; GO:NEW
    Derlin-1 complex [PMID;18555783] (exact)
    Derlin-1 protein dislocation complex [PMID:18555783] (exact)
    ERAD protein dislocation complex [PMID:18555783] (broad)
    Derlin-1 retro-translocation complex [GOC:bf] (exact)
    Derlin-1 retrotranslocon [GOC:bf] (exact)
    A protein complex that functions in the retrotranslocation step of ERAD (ER-associated protein degradation) and includes at its core, Derlin-1 oligomers forming a retrotranslcoation channel.
    PMID: 15215856, PMID:16186510
    part_of: endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; GO:0005789
    is_a: protein complex ; GO:0043234
    capable-of-part-of: retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol ; GO:0030970
    The Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex is likely to assemble in steps, thereby containing different components at different stages of the retrotranslocation process.

  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-07-01
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • RFoulger

    RFoulger - 2015-07-01

    Added: Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex ; GO:0036513


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