
#18 Error filtering on Species and Datasource

Doug Howe

Three bundled items here:

1. In the advanced search page Filter Gene Products section, there is a "Species" filter box. This box has many species in it and has lots of white space below it. Could it be expanded to show more than 4 species by maybe 10 or 15? The space below this box is just white space.

2. Adjacent to the "Species" filter box is a "Data Source" filter box. It is a logic error to allow "All" and any other source to be checked simultaneously. Perhaps some code could be added to automatically uncheck the "All" option if any other box is selected, and recheck "All" if no other option is selected?

3. Finally, I get the following error when I try to search using the following filters:
"Data Source"=ZFIN and "Species"=Danio rerio

Although it's true that ZFIN should be the only source for Danio rerio annotations It's not necessarily true that ZFIN will ONLY have D.rerio annotations..hence the need to simultaneously specify both ZFIN and D.rerio.

Here is the error:
Sorry, an error has occurred.

Please send the following information to

undef error - cannot filter by both speciesdb and taxid at /share/goweb/www-data/html/dev/go-perl/GO/Model/ line 65 GO::Model::Root::throw('GO::AppHandles::AppHandleSqlImpl=HASH(0x9f38e4c)', 'cannot filter by both speciesdb and taxid') called at /share/goweb/www-data/html/dev/go-db-perl/GO/AppHandles/ line 4276 GO::AppHandles::AppHandleSqlImpl::get_deep_product_count('GO::AppHandles::AppHandleSqlImpl=HASH(0x9f38e4c)', 'HASH(0xa2d9474)') called at /share/goweb/www-data/html/dev/go-perl/GO/Model/ line 954 GO::Model::Term::n_deep_products('GO::Object::TermSearchResult=HASH(0xa181d14)') called at templates/includes/term_search_results.tmpl line 62 eval {...} called at templates/includes/term_search_results.tmpl line 62 eval {...} called at templates/includes/term_search_results.tmpl line 165 eval {...} called at templates/includes/term_search_results.tmpl line 7 Template::Document::__ANON__('Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 155 eval {...} called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 153 Template::Document::process('Template::Document=HASH(0xa2fb110)', 'Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 345 eval {...} called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 319 Template::Context::process('Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)', 'term_search_results.tmpl', 'undef', 'localize me!') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 407 Template::Context::include('Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)', 'term_search_results.tmpl') called at templates/pages/term_search.tmpl line 14 eval {...} called at templates/pages/term_search.tmpl line 17 eval {...} called at templates/pages/term_search.tmpl line 7 Template::Document::__ANON__('Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 155 eval {...} called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 153 Template::Document::process('Template::Document=HASH(0xa342444)', 'Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 345 eval {...} called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 319 Template::Context::process('Template::Context=HASH(0xa1a2cc0)', 'Template::Document=HASH(0xa342444)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 94 eval {...} called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Template/ line 91 Template::Service::process('Template::Service=HASH(0xa187188)', 'term_search.tmpl', 'HASH(0xa181000)') called at /tools/perl/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/ line 68 Template::process('Template=HASH(0xa180ebc)', 'term_search.tmpl', 'HASH(0xa181000)') called at /share/goweb/www-data/html/dev/amigo/perl/GO/CGI/ line 716 GO::CGI::Utilities::output_template('HASH(0x9f3875c)', 'term_search') called at /share/goweb/www-data/html/dev/amigo/perl/GO/CGI/ line 1845 GO::CGI::Session::process_page_template('HASH(0x9f3875c)', 'GO::CGI::Session=HASH(0x9f388b8)') called at /share/goweb/www-data/cgi-bin/amigo/search.cgi line 325

We apologise for the inconvenience.


  • girlwithglasses

    girlwithglasses - 2008-04-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    1) Will try to make that look better for the next release.

    2) It is an annoying logic error, I agree. However, if nothing is selected OR 'All' and any other items are selected, AmiGO behaves as if 'all' was the only option selected. Some sort of javascript goodness could be worked into the next release, but it's not a high priority.

    3) This is a go-perl / go-db-perl issue. I have a fix for it, which will hopefully go into the next AmiGO release.

  • girlwithglasses

    girlwithglasses - 2008-05-22
    • priority: 5 --> 9

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