
#106 Improve GuiScripts of BG1


Here is a patch which intends to make BG1 playable with GemRB. Most of this is inspired by BG2 GUIScripts.


  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-01-31

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    I forgot to mention this :

    Bonus : snprintf.cpp won't compile if HAVE_SNPRINTF is defined and Cmake now search for every *.cpp file in core directory.

  • Nick

    Nick - 2008-02-15

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    For the most part this patch works great for me, and applied cleanly to r5035. Certainly a great improvement on what was before. Note that I haven't tried anything related to the snprintf.cpp / Cmake stuff - it's beyond anything I can constructively help with at present.

    There are a couple of problems I found after applying the patch, all of which should have quite simple solutions:

    The first is that from the main Options menu, when opening any subwindows (graphics, sound, gameplay or windows within them), the following error message would show in the terminal:

    [Control]: Destroying control inside event handler, crash may occur![Control]: Owner window destructed!

    No ill effects happened though, as far as I could tell.
    The second problem occurs when in the "character sounds" window. When either Done or Cancel are pressed, it returns to the Gameplay options window, rather than Sounds as it should.
    Finally, when the Autopause button is pressed in the Gameplay window, the terminal outputs:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./GUIScripts/bg1/", line 420, in OpenAutopauseOptionsWindow
    OptCheckbox ('SpellCast', Window, 34, 30, 'Auto Pause State', 256)
    File "./GUIScripts/bg1/", line 666, in OptCheckbox
    button = GemRB.GetControl (window, button_id)
    RuntimeError: Control is not found

    And the main (non sidebars) screen goes black. The buttons on the side still work, however, and things proceed as normal when they're clicked (the main part returns).

    But as I say, this is all a massive improvement in the quality of BG1 GUIScripts.

  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-02-15

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    Thanks for the feedback.

    This one should fix the second problem you mentioned.

    I'm looking into the first one to see what is the problem.

    The cmake/snprintf stuff has been removed. This is not needed anymore (I can't figure out how. Might be a change in my configuration)
    File Added: BG1-guiscripts-2.patch

  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-02-15

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    Originator: YES

    This one solves the first problem too !
    File Added: BG1-guiscripts-3.patch

  • Laszlo Toth

    Laszlo Toth - 2008-02-22

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    I've applied most of the gui options patch. The worldmap part also contains lines i also realized.
    Please tell me if i missed something important. (The changing of the portraits/options panes in the option screen are not needed, only for alternate resolutions)

  • Laszlo Toth

    Laszlo Toth - 2008-02-22
    • assigned_to: nobody --> avenger_teambg
    • status: open --> pending-out-of-date
  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-02-22

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    Originator: YES

    Hmmm, this is not complete enough. clicking on the "dead head" icon won't send you back to the game in most GUI menus, clicking "informations" in record window will crash the GUI. Only the inventory GUI is satisfying here.

  • SourceForge Robot

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    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending-out-of-date --> closed-out-of-date
  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-07-20

    fourth try

  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-07-20

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    Originator: YES

    I'm sorry to reopen this, but I was very busy for quite a long time...

    Here is a new one, against current trunk, without the unnecessary portrait window stuff.
    File Added: BG1-GUIScripts4.patch

  • Jérôme Gardou

    Jérôme Gardou - 2008-07-20
    • status: closed-out-of-date --> open-out-of-date
  • Jaka Kranjc

    Jaka Kranjc - 2008-07-21
    • status: open-out-of-date --> closed-fixed
  • Jaka Kranjc

    Jaka Kranjc - 2008-07-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Thanks, it is in since r5236. Some bits were odd, but overall it looked good.


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