
Theme creating

  • George

    George - 2008-03-13

    I am not sure if this is possible for the theme of the menu but could it be possible instead of having the 11 files that create the menu could we have one main one and then have a few others for the buttons and such. I am not sure if the coding will allow it but i think it would be easier to create the theme. I am currently working on one and its quiet tricky to get them all the same color and line up accordingly. Just a thought.

    • Christopher Litsinger

      Well, the eventual plan is to have the theme also contain sizing info, etc, so it will actually probably get even more complicated, rather than less.  I won't be significantly changing my theming setup until I have a better idea what's coming for PortableApps.

      People have asked about this before, and I'm sure it would be easy to write a script in Gimp to have an image split into the appropriate components- if anyone wants to take this on I'm sure people would be grateful

    • 0-H3xx-0

      0-H3xx-0 - 2008-09-08

      What about PNG support? I make skins too and it is very tempting to try and make a theme with transparencies.


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