
error - what's wrong

  • andreas messner

    andreas messner - 2003-12-28


    i compiled libgedcom on a win98 system using cygwin. it almost worked, only the binaries did not build, but the library seems ok.
    when using the library i get an error message from gedcom_parse_file() i do not understand:
    "Error in line 1: No encoding defined for 'ASCII'"
    my main function looks like this:
      gedcom_init ();

      gedcom_set_message_handler (my_message_handler);
      /* Parse file */
      res = gedcom_parse_file (gedcom_file);
      if (res != 0)

    i link the following libs: libgedcom, libgedcom_gom, libintl, libutf8tools libiconv

    any ideas?

    • andreas messner

      andreas messner - 2003-12-28

      problem fixed. I made a "make install" in the data directory and now it works.
      hope nobody wasted time on this


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