
#99 colors / bash vars / smaller symbol indent


Hi authors@geany,

i would like to say thank you for such a great, small and fast editor. I use jEdit most of the time, and I like it much, but I always searched for a faster and smaller program. never found one which has some more features like pure editing, but now I have geany, it's great and runs well on my old outdated pc's too.

I use it most for shell scripts and therefore it has nearly all I need.

but there are four things that would be nice to have:

1.) split windows:
sometimes it is very funcional two have
this feature.

2.) color settings:
could be done via the config files, would be much
nicer to do it in the gui config. the more or less
usefull column marker can be configured, but the
line end color can't. (but showing it is userful
for me)
It's always a black block, I don't
like it and have not found out where I could change

3.) symbol sidebar, great feature!!!
works in shell scripts for functions too.
Variables would be nice. But, on small screens,
I hate that the nice tree view is eating up space,
that is useless. i.e
its showing "functions" as a headline, ok
and then, in the second line the function names
are indented to far. I have no problem here on
my 20" display, but on smaller monitors, every inch
is needed ;))
for me a i.e. underlined headline would be as
usefull as a indented tree.
( I hate this in jEdit too ;)) )

4.) column editing.
yes, geany has basic column editing, but for me
it is not very handy. jEdit, ultraedit column mode
is the one i prefer.

Anyway, great peace of software, congratulations.

And please, be aware not to overblow this coolest
editor / mini ide I found in the last years.
Eclipses a.s.o. are on the market already, but
this one is great, small and fast, Thanks.



  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2007-11-01

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    Originator: NO

    Glad you like Geany.

    1 - split window - there's already a request open for this.
    2 - color settings - we will probably add a gui configuration for this sometime.
    3.a) Maybe the bash parser will be improved to parse variables, like other parsers.
    3.b) I'm not sure how to change the treeview indent, but I'd like it to be smaller too.
    4 - column editing - I think there's already a request open for this.

  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2007-11-01
    • summary: 99% complete --> colors / bash vars / smaller symbol indent
  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-11-01

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    Originator: NO

    > the more or less usefull column marker can be configured, but the line end color can't.
    You are talking about long line marker? You can configure it in the preferences dialog on the Display tab. It can be either a simple line or set to change the background colour of all characters after the set width. The used background colour can also be in the preferences dialog.

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-11-07

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    Originator: NO

    Regarding 3b, the symbol treeview indentation:
    You can decrease the amount of the used indentation a bit by editing(or creating) your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and adding the following code:
    style "geany-small-symbol-list"
    GtkTreeView::expander-size = 9
    GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator = 0
    GtkTreeView::indent-expanders = 0
    widget "GeanyMainWindow.*.GtkTreeView" style "geany-small-symbol-list"

    expander-size is 12 by default, you can also try lower values than 9 but it doesn't look good, IMO. horizontal-separator is the space between columnes, by default 2. indent-expanders is a boolean value and by default 1. I didn't see a big difference but maybe it helps for you.

    Documentation about the properties:
    And for gtkrc-2.0 format in general:

    It might be it doesn't work with GTK versions below 2.10, I'm not sure.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Thanks for your responses.

    >> 1 - split window - there's already a request open for this.
    great news

    >> 2 - color settings - we will probably add a gui configuration for this sometime.
    yes, it's a nice to have

    3.a) Maybe the bash parser will be improved to parse variables, like other parsers.

    >>3.b) I'm not sure how to change the treeview indent, but I'd like it to be smaller too.

    tested this from the first answer, it did the trick. I Changed the
    "GtkTreeView::expander-size = 9" to "1" and it's good enough for me, thanks.
    btw, I am using gtk 2.8 and it works.

    >Regarding 3b, the symbol treeview indentation:
    >You can decrease the amount of the used indentation a bit by editing(or
    >creating) your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and adding the following code:
    >style "geany-small-symbol-list"
    > GtkTreeView::expander-size = 9
    > GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator = 0
    > GtkTreeView::indent-expanders = 0
    >widget "GeanyMainWindow.*.GtkTreeView" style "geany-small-symbol-list"

    >> 4 - column editing - I think there's already a request open for this.
    good news.

    line end marker:
    > the more or less usefull column marker can be configured, but the line end color can't.
    >>You are talking about long line marker? You can configure it in the
    >>preferences dialog on the Display tab. It can be either a simple line or
    >>set to change the background colour of all characters after the set width.
    >>The used background colour can also be in the preferences dialog.

    no, i mean the "Preferences / Display / Show Line Endings".
    If I acticate this, in bash scripts it shows a black block (like xterm cursors)
    or in other files a rounded black block with a "LF" in it.

    I have not found where I could change this to a lighter, more friendly color.

    greetings aksels

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-11-13

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    > no, i mean the "Preferences / Display / Show Line Endings".
    > If I acticate this, in bash scripts it shows a black block (like xterm cursors) or in other files a rounded black block with a "LF" in it.
    >I have not found where I could change this to a lighter, more friendly color.
    The black block in shell scripts(actually in some other filetypes too) was a little bug in the code, fixed in SVN r2046.
    But it seems the colour of these markers can't be changed but this is a Scintilla issue. Only font characteristics and font size can be changed, from the Scintilla documentation:
    "This style sets the font used when drawing control characters. Only the font, size, bold, italics, and character set attributes are used and not the colour attributes"

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-11-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    >3.b) I'm not sure how to change the treeview indent, but I'd like it to
    be smaller too.
    Update: the current SVN version of Geany has a hidden pref to hide the expanders completely. Instead only a few indentation is used for the symbols, the sections start without any whitespace. Unfortunately, this feature is only available since GTK 2.12.


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