
#719 Find in Files menu should have a checkbox for following or not following current doc's directory


Thank you for your great project. Geany is very handy. I use it on my Ubuntu installation, got Geany 1.23 from geany-dev PPA.

On Windows I used Notepad++ and I remember, that it has a checkbox "Follow current doc." near Directory path selector. It's very useful.

Let me illustrate:
1. I search some text in files of a parent folder with subfolders
2. I found what i was interested in
3. I tried to do new search in parent folder (but Directory points to last file directory), I selected parent directory and pressed Search.
4. Go to 1

In Notepad++ with unmarked checkbox "Follow current doc." I do not need to reselect parent folder (p. 3).

I hope you will understand my opinion and implement this checkbox in Geany.

With best regards,

1 Attachments


  • Nikolay Strelkov

    Geany 1.24.1 is released, but this bug is not confirmed and/or fixed.
    Please confirm and fix this bug in newer versions of Geany.

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-05-21

    This is not a bug, it is a feature request.

    The directory box on the find-in-files dialog has a drop-down list of that previous trees searched, you can select the tree again there.

  • Nikolay Strelkov

    OK, this is a feature request. I'm sorry.

    Search with check-box requires less mouse-clicks. So check-box is better.
    Please add this check-box to Geany.

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-05-21

    Well, "somebody" has to do it. Contributions are welcome.


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