
#19 Split window editing


Feature request:
When coding, I need the ability to look at several
files simultaneously, 3 or 2 at least. The current
tabbed file-navigation scheme is nice, but to be even a
basic programmers editor, Geany needs a split-pane
ability, so that two files can be viewed side-by-side,
and perhaps even allowing either pane to be split
vertically as well (allowing 3 or 4 files in view at once).
Maybe if I get time (ha) I'll take a stab at adding
this myself.


  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2006-07-28
    • labels: 790033 -->
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Yup, I think Geany is great but I really miss this feature, I use it a lot in Notepad++ (Windows)

  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2007-04-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm interested in this feature, but it will probably be delayed for a while, and perhaps implemented as a plugin.

  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2007-09-18
    • summary: Limited single-file view --> Split window editing
  • Nick Treleaven

    Nick Treleaven - 2007-09-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    (Renaming request).

    This could be difficult to implement, so I'm not sure when/if it will get done.

    (A duplicate request was also filed with some more details:

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Yes, this feature would be really wonderful!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Geany is great, but the fact that this feature is missing is the one thing that's stopping me from using it as my main editor. I appreciate that you can run two copies of Geany at the same time, but this isn't really a neat solution. Keep up the good work though!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Yeah Geany is is truly great fast and featurerich, definitely one of the best free editors I found and would be a perfect fit for programming if multiple files could be viewed and edited at simultaneously.
    I tested the windowsplit plugin and tried multiple instances of Geany because I'd like to replace emacs eventually, but those methods are not useful yet.
    Switching Windows and input focus by key-shortcuts and fast changing of files in all windows is essentially for programming. So for now it seems I will stick with emacs even if his lisp configuration sucks in the end... :(

  • HyperHacker

    HyperHacker - 2011-10-15

    +1, this is the one main thing I find lacking. The Split Window plugin is no substitute - it can only add one pane and editing in it is awkward and buggy; it's really only good for viewing. Codeblocks does this perfectly (to see an example of how it should work) but has a number of other issues, so I'm still using Geany now...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-15

    +1, it's something that bothers me quite frequently.

    I hope to have time to fix the Split Window plugin, but I doubt it'll support more than 2 panes at a time unless someone else wants to do it or it becomes easier once the main issues with editing are fixed.


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