
#62 X11 Copy/Paste fails randomly


Under X11, I'm used to copying text between applications by selecting the text with the left mouse button, then pasting it by clicking on the target place with the middle mouse button.

This always works within geany, but it fails randomly when I attempt to copy text from geany to other applications (tried with aterm and gvim).

The geany version I use is the one that comes with Mandriva 2007.1:

==> geany --version
geany 0.10.2 (built on Feb 28 2007 with GTK 2.10.9, GLib 2.12.9)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    FYI, there is a similar C&P problem when copying from geany and pasting into open office:

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-06

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I tested it with Open Office and I also get the "Insert Section" dialog but it never crashes on my Debian system. Could you test SciTE and check whether it behaves in the same way Geany does?

  • Jérôme M. Berger

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    With SciTE, the mouse copy paste always fails (even when copying and pasting inside a single SciTE window, whereas copying inside a single geany window works).

    Open Office seems to interpret the pasted text as a URL: it opened an "Insert section" dialog with the "link" checkbox checked and the text "http://foo/" in the URL field (the copied text was "foo" without the "http:" nor the slashes). This happens with SciTE as well as Geany.

    SciTE version: 1.71 (funny thing is I could copy/paste the version number from the about box...)
    oowriter version: 2.1.7.cvs20070304

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> eht16
  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-06

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I found the reason for the problem, will be fixed soon. Thanks for

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-15
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Finally fixed in SVN r1533. It was indeed a bug in Scintilla not in Geany itself but in the meanwhile also fixed in Scintilla.

  • Jérôme M. Berger

    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Jérôme M. Berger

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The problem I originally reported is still present in version 0.11: selecting text in geany with the left mouse button, then pasting it in another application doesn't always work.

    I tried:
    - From geany to aterm => no effect;
    - From geany to oowriter => no effect;
    - From geany to firefox => works;
    - From geany to gvim => works;
    - From geany to xemacs => works.

    The other direction (copy from other app, paste to geany) always works.

    ==> geany --version
    geany 0.11 (built on May 21 2007 with GTK 2.10.12, GLib 2.12.12)

  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2007-05-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Sorry, it was indeed only fixed for the Copy & Paste not when using the PRIMARY clipboard. It should be better with SVN r1564. On my system it is working now with OpenOffice but still won't work for aterm. At the moment I have no idea where the problem with aterm is, but I'll try to find it out.

  • Colomban Wendling

    Looks like it now works just fine, at least for me. Is this still an issue?

  • Colomban Wendling

    • status: open-fixed --> pending-out-of-date
  • Jérôme M. Berger

    • status: pending-out-of-date --> open-out-of-date
  • Jérôme M. Berger

    Well I don't use aterm anymore, but the problem appears to be fixed with gvim at least.

  • Colomban Wendling

    • status: open-out-of-date --> closed-out-of-date
  • Colomban Wendling

    Ok, since I tested it successfully with aterm I'll close this. Thanks a lot for the responsive feedback!


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