
#1107 reduntant toolbar icons : usability, ergonomy


Geany is generally and excellent tool, however some improvements could be made to usability by removing less useful/redundant icons from the tool bar and using the space for other functionality.

These probably don't merit separate bug reports, so I'll just group them.

The large icon "close current file" is totally redundant since each tab has its own close icon.

"Reload current file from disk". What is this for? To back out edits there is the edit|undo cntl-Z feature. If the file has changed on disk there is a warning with the open to reload. It is unclear to me why this feature merits a place on the space-limited toolbar.

Similarly the colour selection dlg. Unless this is important for some context I'm unaware of it seems not to merit toolbar real-estate.

I've yet to discover what the "navigate" icons are for. They always seem blanked out in my usage.

One get the impression that early on someone quickly added some icons to populate the toolbar and it has not been clearly designed to include prioritised tasks.

Thus this bug is a request to evaluate the tasks that most merit a high profile, fast access button and improve the ergonomy of this excellent tool.


  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2015-07-22

    You have seen the Menu->Edit->Preferences->Interface->Toolbar
    "Customize Toolbar" button. You can adjust the toolbar to your

  • saucy

    saucy - 2015-07-22

    Indeed , I had not discovered that yet. I'd looked at edit prefs but had not been down that deep.

    That allows me to set up what I want and get rid of some of the less useful items.

    I think the general comment is still valid, that some of these items are bit superfluous and better designed default set would make Geany more useful out of the box and 'sell' itself better.

    I have to say this is a top class code editor , I'm very pleased I was recommended it. Many thanks to the creators and maintainers.


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