
#1050 Geany 1.24.1 Window Flickers/Tears When Closing



These are my specs;

Slackware 14.1 x86_64
i3 4.7.2
Nvidia GTX660M - drivers 331.67

I noticed in i3 when closing Geany the window has a tear or flicking effect.

I also use compton, but I noticed even without compton running Geany still tears and flickers slightly when closing.

I have a lot of various GUI apps I use GTK2/GTK3 & QT and I've never seen any GUI act in this way until I started using Geany a few months ago.

I created two small videos showing Geany tearing and flickering slightly when closing, and every time Geany does this, it's always with black appearing in it, regardless of my wallpaper background which isn't black.

This video is very short and it happens very fast, but if you watch it a few times you'll notice as Geany closes it turns black and also shows like a white line about in the middle going from top to bottom;

In this video I placed Geany on top of the SpaceFM file manager, I noticed when you close Geany on top of a window it flickers and tears in different ways.

I personally don't think this is some sort of driver or X rendering issue, if that was the case I'd see this more often in other applications and I don't, as I mentioned I've never seen this before, only in Geany.

Thank you


  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2014-06-13

    Forgot to mention, please let me know when you are done watching the videos so I can remove them from my dropbox...

    thank you

  • Colomban Wendling

    • status: open --> pending-invalid
  • Colomban Wendling

    Geany itself do nothing at the whole window level, so such full-window glitches must come from X, the WM, toolkit or alike.

    The only thing I can think of would be that because Scintilla (the editor component Geany uses) is single-buffered, something doesn't play nice with it.

  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2014-06-15


    I'm not a coder, but I am a Tech & Geek, so I look at it like this, if this was a glitch on the X, WM, toolkit, etc., side of things, then I should see it in other applications and I don't, I only see it in Geany.

    Now what would we say about this? As a Tech I'd personally look at Geany first and take it from there, so I hope this is what the developers will do.

    Also if no one is using i3 with a pretty high-end Nvidia GPU, then it's also very possible between the WM & GPU it has exposed a bug in Geany. :)

    I hope this so called pending-invalid will not be such, and this opened, until it's given a good going over.



    Last edit: SourceBugs 2014-06-15
  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-06-15

    Geany has no control over how the screen is re-drawn after it exits, that is the window manager or underlying application.

  • Colomban Wendling

    Also if no one is using i3 with a pretty high-end Nvidia GPU, then it's also very possible between the WM & GPU it has exposed a bug in Geany. :)

    Or it is very possible Geany has exposed a bug in the WM or GPU ;)

    Our point is that Geany does not do anything at whole window level (we don't draw ourselves the whole window, most of it is just the toolkit, and we don't do any compositing or even client-side decorations), so a whole-window drawing issue is likely not to be directly caused by Geany's code.

    Maybe you could try another Scintilla-based editor, like SciTE and see if it suffers of the same issue, in which case it's likely to be Scintilla that does something that interacts badly with the WM, GPU or whatever. But it's still unlikely to really be Scintilla's fault as it exposes glitches on the whole window while Scintilla only renders the editor area.

    I hope this so called pending-invalid will not be such, and this opened, until it's given a good going over.

    pending-invalid status is nothing against you, it just means we believe it's not a Geany bug (the invalid part), and that we await confirmation (the pending part).

  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2014-06-18

    After posting this, I was told by one of the i3 developers that the rendering in i3 isn't the greatest, so it appears to be an issue in i3.

    Sorry about this post...

    P.S. Let's PLEASE get more themes for Geany, I really love this about Geany! :)

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-06-18
    • status: pending-invalid --> closed-invalid

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