
#36 Spell Check in Geany Windows version not working

spellcheck (10)
Greg Supina

Sorry. At first I placed this message on another thread before noticing the thread was closed. So here it is again.

Whenever I start Geany, a pop-up error message says:

"The enchant library couldn't be initialized (unknown error (maybe the
chosen language is not available))."

My system is Windows 7 Home Premium on an HP Notebook with an AMD Athlon
II Dual-Core M320 2.10 GHz with three gigs of RAM.

After Geany loads, the debug messages are:

11:48:23: INFO : Geany 0.19, GTK+ 2.16.6, GLib 2.20.5
11:48:23: INFO : Added filetype Genie (48).
11:48:23: INFO : Loaded: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\addons.dll
11:48:23: INFO : Loaded: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\geanydoc.dll
11:48:23: INFO : Loaded: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\htmlchars.dll
(HTML Characters)
`C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\geany-plugins\geanylua\libgeanylua.dll':
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Lua Script: Can't load support library C:\Program Files

Lua Script: Can't find support library C:\Program Files

11:48:23: INFO : Loaded: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\geanylua.dll
(Lua Script)
11:48:23: WARNING : Stored language ('en') could not be loaded.
11:50:35: INFO : Loaded: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Geany\lib\spellcheck.dll (Spell Check)
11:50:35: INFO : unknown : None (UTF-8)

Having looked through the config files, I cannot find anything which could
solve this problem. Also, I am not a computer programmer. I am just working
on one website with HTML and JavaScript. So I don't even have a clue as to
what the problem could be.


  • Enrico Tröger

    Enrico Tröger - 2010-07-25

    Do you have installed any dictionaries?
    From the posted log above, the spell check plugin looks for a "en" dictionary.
    If you don't have installed it, you should do this and then configure the path to the dictionary files in the plugin configuration dialog.

  • Fritz Heinrichmeyer

    with installed libraries, i.e. from your openoffice installation it works (files are zip archives, extract .dic and .aff files in a place for geany ). There should be a hint for this in the plugin text