
GC Studio - Feedback and Support Thread

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  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2022-01-31

    From the idea of @angel-spartan

    IDE launcher will become the main executable for Great Cow BASIC. It will be a small framework designed to get automatic updates from the web. When the IDE launcher is launched it will check if a new update its available then it will download it, verify checksum and patch everything up to date (it also allows multiple channels like beta, nightly or stable). The IDE launcher will also have which IDE you want to use (synwrite, genie, vscode, others) and open or create a solution, demo or other file in your favorite IDE.

    The system will integrate very well whit the modular nature of Great Cow BASIC.

    What features are needed?

    Please provide @angel-spartan your thoughts.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-01-31

    Sounds a good idea. A linux version where it's needed? I don't care!
    What's wrong with the win gcb ide? I've only used it's minimum features and I can code fine.
    A different editor won't write better code so why bother? sorry, I think the ide is fine.
    GCB on linux it don't work out the box and linking to geany is still a pain.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-01-31
  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-04

    Proof of Concept, IDE Launcher, auto updates, VScode integration, capabilities and use cases.

    Ok, I finally have a working proof of concept and a video, I think the video took me more time than the code. Oh god.
    Disclaimer: I sincerely apologize for my poor pronunciation, also there will be miss spelled words and wrong sentences, I do not tough the time to write a speech.
    Some spelled numbers were wrong (visual studio year and gcb update version at least)

    YT video

    Don’t mind the name of the launcher, it can be changed to whatever is decided.

    All binary’s compiled in 32bits as requested (also vscode)
    I can’t find an up-to-date version of geany compiled for 32 bits
    I’m preparing a little installer for the demo, will upload shortly.

    All kind of feedback welcome.

    it’s only a proposal.

    Thank you for your time.



    Last edit: Angel Mier 2022-02-04
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2022-02-04

    Looks great. Direction is very good. The next evolution of Great Cow BASIC.

    Regarding 32 bit. This is for 32 OS's like Win XP, 7, 8 etc and we need to only support SynWrite.

    I, and, others can help the spelling :-). Do you think Language support is needed?

    I will walk the video again. And, give formal feedback.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2022-02-04

    Your video is very good.

    This is the next evolution of the tool chain!


    Scope –
    Good scope. I like the OS support. 32bit or 64bit support could be helpful.
    Intellicode is important.

    VS Code –
    Good choice
    Good to show VS22 UI.
    The solution overview context was good.

    Trivial comment – logo… we need agree.
    I like the GCB Studio, but, may be is it time to call ‘GC Studio’ dropping the BASIC context.
    Version 99.01 – good
    Where did the Copyright come from? 2021
    Choice of IDE – good
    Templates – good
    SynWrite Project access – good

    Background – good re VSCodum
    GCB Code
    May be call GC Code
    Loss of sound @ 08:27 to 09:19
    I think you to talk to showing the similar UIs – good
    Launcher of SYnWrite good – I guess the new launcher checked the rep.

    SourceControl excellent.

    Use Case(s)
    Agree with all

    * Very good

    Auto updates
    Good – very nice. I can change the release process here to integrate!
    Which rep is the manifest is going to be the source?
    * 7ZIP ok across all OS’s?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-04

      I would recommend next steps are

      Bugzilla, then,
      Source SVN integration, then,
      Package up a PoC GCCode for testing.

      Then, as I update you have changes to handle.



      Last edit: Anobium 2022-02-04
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-06-26

      Thank you for the update. A huge improvement for the new user.

      I think we are very close to swapping the old installer for Studio installer. :-)

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-04

    Sorry if I seem negative it's frustration from not getting geany to work with gcb on a rpi.
    What happens to programmer preferences?
    I should give up what has become a challenge and stick to the win gcb which is productive and easy.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-04

      I am no expert on Linux but it cannot be hard for someone to create the distro that automatically installs and build the solution for a Linux user

      All the tools could be ported. We have then in Windows and therefore it is port not a create.

      What is takes Stan, like all OpenSource projects, is someone's time and resources, but, most importantly passion to make it happen. I do this as my 'give back' to everyone - I have been very fortunate as an engineer and I want to give back to the community = passion. So, OpenSouce needs passion and that passion makes stuff happen.

      Find a friend who knows Linux, knows how to automate everything and they a passionate about Great Cow BASIC.



      Last edit: Anobium 2022-02-04
  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-07

    New Update released 0.02

    Just open GC Studio, it will update automatically if mainstream channel is selected in options.

    Most important fixes:
    Handled exceptions
    Changed F5 key binding to open run task instead of debug
    Changed Ctrl+F5 key binding to open build task instead of run without debug
    Updated all template files
    Added support for single file options.

    Full Change Log:


  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-08

    Sorry for the lack of response of my part. I was rushing full time to release the PoC and solving the first bugs.


    I focus this contribution on interoperability so I’m planning a future version/support for linux.
    Also, MS vscode have an official release for rpi OS, so future GCcode linux support (integration + extension) may/will work on the pi (still you will need to build the compiler for the pi). So maybe in the future this will be relevant to your endeavor.
    I take all feedback on a constructive way, so don’t worry and thank you for your comments.


    Logo: the logo can be anything is determined by your team even the original, no problem; I added that icon as a hidden message -- “maybe we need an update to the logo as the original didn’t have transparency and didn’t match whit a modern UI” thing for another thread may be.

    Copyright: came from my update framework as it is read from the assembly, didn’t crossed my mind when coding in a hurry. Currently solved.
    Names already changed, and as a side note I don’t have any problem if other names are preferred later.

    7Zip across platforms: 7zip UI and libraries are for windows, but CLI works for windows, linux and mac; the launcher uses CLI and uses a KISS code philosophy for easiness of future porting.


    • stan cartwright

      stan cartwright - 2022-02-08

      GCB evolves from the efforts from people like you. Your work is appreciated.
      I personally am happy using the win gcb ide. Other people are not.
      There's people like me who want to program 8bit ucontrollers like pic and arduino boards, not the bare chip like using pic.
      This has improved with the changes made to program preferences and getting rid of rem command script which was something new to learn. I never knew what the scripts meant.
      It was and is still a need to know basis. The idea that basic ran home computers in the 80's
      and that was learnt by many is why gcb is so useful for those people like me.
      Some gcb users use mplab. I have never.
      Now having to learn visual studio is not appealing, I'm too old.
      As for linux I think using gcb on linux if you know linux probably ok but otherwise stick to windows.
      I think there are stereotype gcb users like me who want to code arduino boards cos they are so simple to use and the user can't do c and use the arduino ide so gcb is a brill alternative.
      Keeping it simple to use lets one get on with coding. You don't need to learn how to use a paint brush just learn how to paint.
      Don't let my comments as a gcb user detract you from the work you're doing.
      Maybe it won't be as difficult as it looks when it's implemented and I might use it.
      Best wishes.

      • Anobium

        Anobium - 2022-02-08

        All good thoughts. Cheers.


  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-09

    New Update released 0.03

    Just open GC Studio, it will update automatically if mainstream channel is selected in options.
    Optional: Uninstall PIC18 ASM extension in GCcode

    Full Change Log:

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-09

    Don't bother with linux, it's a minority user base. Win effort would have more users.
    Personally I don't like programs that start with "Create Project" and like other win users don't like automatic updates.
    Until it's finished I can't say how useful gcstudio will be but looking forward to when it's a gcb option to use. Great work.
    I like gcb "simplicity" and the idea that it could attract new users, especially people who want to use arduino boards. I tried Geany on linux and there's "Create Project" if you want to link it to a compiler.... and other bother with script that one mistake and it doesn't work. No fun.
    Win gcb as is I just start coding with Franks ide. OK it's not in colour, so what.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-09

      I have an idea.... Get someone to create a Linux AppImage for Great Cow BASIC.

      No install - just use.

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-02-09

        I posted here why can't my rpi gcb stuff now built from freebasic be used by others. If it could then the download freebasic and unzip and from the partial build build free basic then download gcb and unrar then use freebasic to build gcb hassle would not be needed.... obviously it is needed... or are linux users masochists, I doubt that... linux is just not easy.
        Ask a friend who knows about linux... like who?
        Building apps might be normal for c users??
        You could see from gcb install downloads what the user base is. How many are linux?
        I think the more gcb users the better. Keep gcb easy for beginners to learn.
        I still think arduino boards a better way to use gcb as no hardware needed and they have good spec. The lgt328nano is very interesting.
        Hate to say it but trying to get picaxe users to use gcb with stuff I did on gcb.
        If I could use c then maybe I'd use microlab and arduino ide but I can't... and it's a project :)

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-02-09

        I posted here why can't my rpi gcb stuff now built from freebasic be used by others. If it could then the download freebasic and unzip and from the partial build build free basic then download gcb and unrar then use freebasic to build gcb hassle would not be needed.... obviously it is needed... or are linux users masochists, I doubt that... linux is just not easy.
        Ask a friend who knows about linux... like who?
        Building apps might be normal for c users??
        You could see from gcb install downloads what the user base is. How many are linux?
        I think the more gcb users the better. Keep gcb easy for beginners to learn.
        I still think arduino boards a better way to use gcb as no hardware needed and they have good spec. The lgt328nano is very interesting.
        Hate to say it but trying to get picaxe users to use gcb with stuff I did on gcb.
        If I could use c then maybe I'd use microlab and arduino ide but I can't... and it's a project :)

        • Anobium

          Anobium - 2022-02-09

          You need to see how to create an AppImage. Creating a working AppIame can shared with ease.

          • stan cartwright

            stan cartwright - 2022-02-09

            I got lots of imager software. I didn't know it's capabilities. It was for downloading not uploading files. I'll do some experimenting but if there were gcb images for linux then where are they?
            If you go through the job of installing fb then build gcb say on rpi then why not just publish installed files from where they are and copy them to the same folders on another identical rpi?
            I don't see imaging the files any point.
            This doesn't work for installing gcb on rpi
            The line $ unar GCB@Syn.rar
            should that be unrar?
            No difference, it falls over .

            • stan cartwright

              stan cartwright - 2022-02-09

              I think my thoughts about linux gcb will apply to pc linux... nothing wrong with rpi linux.
              I know fb print hello world works from the terminal so the rpi gcb should be ok but the commands to run it I haven't tried.
              I tried gcbasic ver in the terminal but an error as I posted... is gcb installed ok?
              pain in the ask

  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2022-02-09

    It is unclear to me how to install and test this.

    1. Install the latest release to C:\GCB@Syn\
    2. Unzip file contents on C:\GCB@Syn\ so, you have the GCCODE.EXe in the  C:\GCB@Syn\ directory
    3. Execture GCstudio.exe in the C:\GCB@Syn\ folder.

    1) Install the latest release of what ? Great Cow Basic? Should this more clearly read "Install the latest release of Great Cow Basic into folder C:\GCB@Syn\ ?

    2) Should I assume that this means to copy the contents of the zip file "into" the GCB@Syn folder?

    Where is the file "GCCODE.EXe" located ? It is not in the zipfile. A search indicates that it is nowhere on my system. Is this file missing or is it perhaps misspelled ?

    3) I assume this means to "execute " GCStudio.exe". However with the contents of the zipfile copied into the GCB@sys folder the only thing that happens is an update and then nothing at all.

    Perhaps I am missing something ?


    Last edit: William Roth 2022-02-09
  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-09

    1.- you need a current installation of GCB on "C:\GCB@Syn\"
    2.- unzip the contents of the file directly on "C:\GCB@Syn\"
    3.- execute "C:\GCB@Syn\GCstudio.exe"

    after run the exe, it will automatically download the latest update, then it will close and apply the update to the current version (it may take a little time depending on hardware) then it will launch again in a working condition.

    did you have a 32bit OS? by your comments maybe i mistakenly put a 64bit version of 7zip binary.
    let me try to reproduce, if my supposition is true i give an apology.


    Last edit: Angel Mier 2022-02-09
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