
98,02 RC5 feedback

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  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-05-10

    RC5 use
    I changed mega328p nextion demo to 18f18855 xpress using pps tool.
    rx is rx. tx is tx. I thought where's the catch.
    works's smaller than 18f 26k22 version.. no defaultfont demo.

    ' ----- Configuration
        'Chip Settings.
    ;    #chip mega328p, 16
    ;    #option explicit
    ' ----- Set up the Nextion GLCD
    ;    #include <glcd.h>
    ;    #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_Nextion
    #chip 16f18855,32
    #option Explicit
    #include <glcd.h>
    #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_Nextion
        #startup InitPPS, 85
        Sub InitPPS
                'Module: EUSART
                RXPPS = 0x0016    'RC6 > RX
                RC5PPS = 0x0010    'TX > RC5
        End Sub

    rest of demo

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-05-11

      LOL It may have been faster to use the demo in your installation, but, at least you have learnt something.

      CLC is next for you. You wll learn even more.

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