
Happy Birthday Great Cow BASIC. Ten years old today!!!!

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2016-07-28


    It was ten years ago when this all started. Today, in 2006!

    Join me me in congratulations Hugh's progress over these years!!!

    Thank you,



    Last edit: Anobium 2016-07-30
  • David Stephenson

    Congratulations to everybody (especially Hugh). I don't think I would have ever got around to using microprocessors without an easy to use language like GCBasic.
    Just checked I first downloaded in GCBasic in 2008 so it was just 2 years old at that point, but still functional.

  • Chris Roper

    Chris Roper - 2016-07-29

    Congratulations everybody.


    Last edit: Chris Roper 2016-07-29
  • Hugh Considine

    Hugh Considine - 2016-07-29

    Thanks all, hard to believe it's been so long!

    It's certainly been a group effort - I may have started it, but it would have stopped long ago without the ongoing hard work and support of many other people. Special acknowledgements to Evan, who has done a very good job of injecting new life into the project over the last few years. And also a mention for Kent, who has been here for close to 10 years too! There are a lot of other good people who have made big contributions too, some other names in alphabetical order: Chris, Chuck, David, Ed, Eddie, Emile, Finn, Frank, Geordie, Jayne, Joe, Kenneth, Peter, Scott, Stefano, Steve. I'll stop there, or I'll be typing all night and it won't be the anniversary when I run out of names.

    GCBASIC started because I was a high school student who was getting into PIC programming and wanted to use BASIC. I didn't have any spending money so buying a compiler licence was not an option, but I did have a lot of spare time over summer holidays and writing a compiler seemed like an interesting challenge. Encouraged by friends and aided by a high school that was (and is) very supportive of student projects, 8 months later I had something that seemed worth sharing. That was 10 years ago now, but I hope that GCBASIC continues to be useful for a long time into the future!

  • mkstevo

    mkstevo - 2016-07-29

    I'd like to add my heartfelt thanks. Congratulations on ten years too.

    I find GCB so easy to use and understand it really has made my life easier. Since trying it I've never looked back.

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2016-07-29

    Happy 10th anniversary. Thanks Hugh for a great (Cow) Basic compiler and getting me started with PIC microcontrollers. At the time I was trying to decide on whether to use Arduino in it's infant stages, or GCBasic. I am glad that I chose the path less traveled, what a journey it has been.

    Lots of interesting discussions and problem solving have transpired over the years, lets keep them coming in the future.

    Thanks to Anobium and all the other contributors out there that keep GCBasic blazing ahead. I can't keep up with all the new libraries and features!

  • Chuck Hellebuyck

    Wow, I honestly thought it was older than that. I must have started using it when it was new. I used PicBasic when it was first released and was a Beta tester for PICBASIC PRO. I remember using Great Cow Basic back then when you just dropped your file on the .exe to compile. And now, as far as I know, its the only compiler that handles both PIC and AVR. That's something even Microchip can't offer even though they own both.
    Congrats Hugh (and Evan) and everybody who has been part of this great open source project.

    • mmotte

      mmotte - 2016-07-29

      Congratulations Hugh on the 10th anniversary of GreatCow Basic! Thanks to
      Evan for advancing it in recent years by light speed. The SYnWrite IDE
      really helps but I miss the old Crimson editor.

      I have used it on both Windows and Ubuntu for projects.

      I have build many PIC projects using it.
      Telescope PWM RA, Barnboard stepper, Random Morse exchange, MeteorCounting
      radio, Made aclock out of an old LABKO computer face, IR curtain, Low freq
      counter, Fake 555 timer, WTV020 talking count, DHT temp/RH, GPS parser,
      mAX7456 OSD, and some that should be forgotten.

      Always amazed me by how much could be done with a few lines of code!

      Good Luck and Keep it rolling!

      Mike Otte W9YS


      Last edit: mmotte 2016-07-30
  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2016-07-30

    Happy 10th anniversary to GCB Thanks for the work done by Hugh, Evan and all the others who participated, and who participate today in the development of this project.
    I hope it becomes more and more complete and powerful in order to bring many young people to the development on microcontrollers.
    In Italy we say "A hundred of this day" Greetings
    Ciao, Marco

  • tony golding

    tony golding - 2016-07-30

    congratulations hugh and the team for this wonderfull gem,cant wait to see what else it can offer us in the next 10 years as it continues to grow, incidentally its also my daughters 2nd birthday today lol what a rather good coincidence :P

  • Sleepwalker3

    Sleepwalker3 - 2016-09-12

    A belated Happy Birthday and congratulations to Hugh along with Evan and all others involved. I'm pretty new here, but enjoying GCB. One thing I wondered though - Where did the name come from?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2016-09-13

      Not me!! Ask Hugh!


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