
Microchip Hardware give away ...

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  • Randall Young

    Randall Young - 2018-03-08

    Howdy all,

    I'm not sure GCB basic support the PIC16F18446 yet but , see ...

    "Evaluation Board Giveaway, PIC16F18446 Product Family"

    Easy to request, just takes a second.




    Last edit: Randall Young 2018-03-08
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-08

    Nice one shareing. Link had my details already and I got an email to click. ETA xmas?
    Anobium suggested requesting evaluation boards from microchip but then they wouldn't sell any.
    Also more chance if you say you're a gcb developer.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2018-03-08
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-03-08

    To be added at the next release. From the next release note.

    Item  497     New       
                                        ChipFiles Supported added for [710 and 712]

    So, we need to get a pre-release version out to the folks who get the new board. I have three boards coming.

    Why do we need to get pre-release version out ? These new microcontrollers will need to be tested and quality assessed. I think we should be ok with K42's but the new 16f's could need to more functional changes.

    @Randall. I will add you to the pre-release version list of testers.


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-08

    See,Anobium gets 3, we get 1 :)

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-03-08

    One from the website, one from Marketing and one from mate inside on Microchip. I am expecting you (Stan ) to send me yours as this is a PIC!!

  • mkstevo

    mkstevo - 2018-03-08

    Many thanks. Just ordered one for me, one for work.

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2018-03-08

    Thanks Randall. Hopefully one will find itself on the doorstep in the near future.

  • bed

    bed - 2018-03-11

    hhm, it seems My email Address is not allowede for it. :-(

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    I use gmail. I must have an account as I just clicked the link and my details were filled in already.
    I'll send you mine...I'm going off new pics :)
    New pics on linux...ARGHHHH!!

    • Chris Roper

      Chris Roper - 2018-03-11

      Can you please explain the connection between PIC Microcontrollers and Linux - do you mean the Pi?

      /Rant On

      I get that you are an Arduino Fan and like clone Nano Boards from China, but constantly bad mouthing advanced devices from the world's largest Microcontroller manufacturer, just because you are not used to the architecture, is doing no one any good.

      Especially not GCBASIC.

      The Enhanced Mid-Range PIC devices are aimed at the professional Electronics and Process control markets, they have very advanced peripherals that cover both Analogue and Digital fields and configuration options that make them extremely flexible when used in Industrial applications.

      When you consider that each pin of an Enhanced Mid-Range Device may have as many as 16 different functions, which may be digital or analogue, it is quite remarkable that it is actually supported by GCBASIC.

      In fact GCBASIC is the ONLY non Microchip Compiler to fully support them, including PPS and a full configurator.

      They are not aimed at the hobby market and never claimed to be, they are advanced devices that require a full understanding of both the hardware and software needed in the target application, and not just the board, they even go so far as to incorporate Configurable Logic Elements in the device so you can design your own hardware interfaces and peripherals.

      They are, therefore, not comparable to any PICAxe, Arduino or Linux processors.

      If you are serious about learning Microcontrollers then study the PIC architecture.
      Start with the Baseline devices, progress to the Mid-range and finally, when you think you know the architecture, you may then progress to enhanced Mid-range devices and the Xpress Boards. There are plenty of published examples in the Demo and Help folders along with extensive application notes and DataSheets on the Manufacturers website.

      Until then please stop showing your ignorance and annoying one of GCBASIC's principle backers, in the form of Microchip, by bad mouthing their most advanced devices and comparing their professionally designed evaluation boards to cheap chinese hobby boards.

      The tools may be harder to grasp but that is true of any field.
      The more advanced the toolset the larger the learning curve and the subsequent reward.

      /Rant Off



      Last edit: Chris Roper 2018-03-11
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    Ha! Good points Chris. bed uses linux and new pps connection except difficult.
    I'm not a prof so can say it's not easy stuff. I'm a hobbyist.
    I'm an arduino fan as it's a practical, easy to use general purpose cheap microcontroller board for hobbyist use.
    Anobium recommended xpress board for picaxe users new to gcb. Would you recommend such professional devices to a picaxe user? This is my rant.
    I don't want to learn about pics, that's why I use gcb.
    Is bad mouthing the same as saying a beginner finds it difficult?
    I think you may have taken this the wrong way Chris. The work done is great.
    I'm just relating a beginner's experience and thoughts.
    I have more learning curves than I can throw a stick at.
    Maybe split the forum into hobbyist and professional but what if the hobbyist gets a job getting paid for what they did as a hobby?
    Think that's it. Monday tomorrow.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    re anobiums recommendation so where I came from...why did I bother. "Reduce learning curve"


    You will enjoy Great Cow BASIC. There are many converts here.

    Ask questions, there is a learning curve but others have been there before you.

    Re the PicKit3 - there is some good news coming on this from us, but, meanwhile, you will need to update the PicKit3 software and the underlying database. You will find this in your Great Cow BASIC installation folder - reinstall the GUI software then update the .dat file provided.
    Re the K8048. I put mine in the bin. There a lots and lots of much better boards. From a learning experience I would recommend the Microchip Xpress Board - a 16f18855. It will reduce your learning curve hughly.
    And, you may want to walk through a set of demos. See your installation. ..\GreatCowBasic\Demos\Vendor Boards\Microchip - Low Pin Count Demo Board\PICKit3 Board\16F1829 Whilst this may not be your chip (cus that would be so lucky!) you can just adapt these demos for your select chip and board. I used to use the AXE091 board for all prototyping about 5 years ago.

    Yes, I am exPicaxe.


  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-03-11

    @Stan, Do not take my advice out of context. You must read the context. The context is the K8048!! Read the start of the sentence.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    Chris, please make pps easier to use for dummies. Others have sorted it. How? Are they professionals?

    • Chris Roper

      Chris Roper - 2018-03-11

      Good Idea Stan.

      A few years ago I created a Guide to PPS for the PIC32/ChipKIT community that attempted to show what PPS is, what it is for and how it is used. I will have a look at modifying that for use with the new PIC16 devices and update the examples to reflect PIC16 and GCBASIC rather than PIC32 and GCC.

      Initially I will post it under User Submitted Projects & Guides. Then if required we can fix the inevitable typos and grammatical errors before adding it to the Help Files.


      p.s. Give me a couple of days as It is a fairly complex task and I want to do it properly to avoid future confusion.


      Last edit: Chris Roper 2018-03-11
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    Anobium, yes,out of context as in the best intentions you recommended xpress board as a way of using it to show pps but I thought it's to show a cool general purpose board. My error.
    I'll use this board for the pps understanding at first.
    Sorry if I upset anyone.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-03-11

      @Stan. Nothing to do with PPS. The context was a low cost PIC board with no programmer or no serial to figure out how to use. Crikey.


      Last edit: Anobium 2018-03-11
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-03-11

    Try maplin now they gone bust. I remember the first shop in cairdiff. No more sending off for stuff...a bit. before ebay or cpc/farnell/rs trade only. All there stuff will be in poundland soon...honest. I still use one of their multimeters.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-03-12

    Thanks for sharing, I've requested one.

    I spotted the PIC16F18446 on the website a few months back but they weren't expecting any to ship for a long time so didn't bother requesting a sample to play around with.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-03-12

    Support will be added at the next release.

    Item  497     New       
                                        ChipFiles Supported added for [710 and 712]

    So, we need to get a pre-release version out to the folks who get the new board for testing.

    Why do we need to get pre-release version out ? These new microcontrollers will need to be tested and quality assessed. I think we should be ok with K42's but the new 16f's could need to more functional changes.


    • Chris Roper

      Chris Roper - 2018-03-12

      I am requesting Samples of the following:
      14 PIN PIC16F18426,
      20 PIN PIC16F18446
      and the
      28 PIN PIC16F18456

      They are all part of the PIC16F18446 family.
      I see that the 28 PIN device is not listed above but it should be compatible as it appears to be the same core as the PIC16F18446 in a 28 PIN package.
      When they arrive I can test that theory.

      I think the Samples will arrive long before the board as I suspect they will have a large backorder on the board.


      • Anobium

        Anobium - 2018-03-12

        We do not support PIC16F18456 yet. As Microchip have not released MPASM support for that microcontroller. There was supporting microcontroller INC file @ IDE 4.10 Feb 2018. For the following also,


        • Chris Roper

          Chris Roper - 2018-03-12

          Yes the PIC16F18456 and the rest of the PIC16F1845x series are currently listed as a Future Product so will hopefuly be put on backorder. But by the time Microchip do release support I should have recived stock to be able to help test it.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-06-20

    Well I had an email a few weeks back from Microchip saying an order had been placed, but nothing was showing on my account. Sales support confirmed it was the PIC16F18446 board so I was expecting it to have arrived, but then I had an email yesterday saying it had been dispatched so we'll see when it turns up...

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-06-20

      I heard same news today. Shipping is commencing. We will see.

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