
Trouble building graphcalc

  • damon bohls

    damon bohls - 2003-06-25

    I have an idea for a possible additional feature for Graphcalc. I would like to familiarize myself with the source code first.

    I used Wincvs to checkout the Graphcalc repository. Then, I tried to build the project in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.

    I receive an error when the compiler attempts to compile stdafx.h. The error states that the include file htmlhelp.h cannot be opened.

    I searched my directories and I looked online in the html CVS repository but I could not find the file htmlhelp.h.

    Maybe I am doing something wrong here. It might be a good idea for the project manager(s) to download the entire repository to a fresh directory and try to build the project from there to see what all files might possibly be missing.

    Thanks for your help and please know that Graphcalc rocks!

  • Mego

    Mego - 2010-03-05

    I'm afraid the creators of GraphCalc don't really pay attention to the forums, as far as I can tell, but I may be able to help. I'm working on going through and finding all of the required files for the countless errors the source code comes up with. Once I succeed, would you like me to send them to you via email?


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