
#51 AnnotationSetTransfer: make default to transfer nothiing


If no annotation of the type specified for parameter textTagName is found, the correct behavior would be to transfer nothing, instead of transferring everything, like it is done now.

Transferring everything in this situation is a choice that is quite surprising and not very logical. It is probably there for the special case of HTML documents that lack a <body> tag, but the annotation transfer program is useful in many other cases and in more general situations.

This default should be changed or there should at least be an option to make the default to transfer nothing.


  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2008-05-16

    Patch that corrects 1827626 and adds a parameter to change this behavior (default is same as before)

  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2008-05-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    File Added: PATCH_Annotransfer2.txt

  • Valentin Tablan

    Valentin Tablan - 2008-05-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Changing the behaviour of existing PRs can be problematic for the large number of legacy applications that some people/organisations have.

    I think a good case can be made for either behaviour (transferring all vs. transferring nothing) so I'd tend to err on the side of not changing existing functionality.

    If the current situation causes problems in your particular application you could easily fix it by creating a very simple JAPE to mark the documents that don't have a body with a particular feature and then use a Switcheable controller to not run the AST on those documents.

  • Valentin Tablan

    Valentin Tablan - 2008-05-17
    • assigned_to: nobody --> valyt
    • status: open --> pending
  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2008-05-17
    • status: pending --> open
  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2008-05-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I have attached a patch here that leaves the default behavior as before but adds an option to do the expected thing.

    Of course one could do everything in JAPE RHS, but then one could do everything by programming their own PRs too.
    I think this would be a natural improvement and make things possible that are needed not so rarely (when the document is not HTML but contains annotations that mark interesting parts of the document, then the transfer should not move everything by default).

  • Valentin Tablan

    Valentin Tablan - 2008-05-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have now integrated these suggested changes in the SVN repository.

    Johann, thanks for your help!

  • Valentin Tablan

    Valentin Tablan - 2008-05-19
    • status: open --> closed

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