
#5 confirmation before removing resources from GUI


I have couple of new feature requests:

1) Whenever user tries to close/delete any document (or
any other resource) from the GATE GUI it would be
useful to have a confirmation dialog asking users to
confirm the removal of resource from the GATE GUI.
Perhaps it should confirm for all resources by default.
It would be useful to have an option in the
configuration dialog to allow more advanced users to
turn off the confirmation messages if they wish.

2) In my particular scenario I want to check if the
document is processed with a particular PR before it
gets unloaded. If it is NOT precessed, then when user
tries to close down the document it should show a
confirmation dialog with a message saying "the document
has not been processed with some X PR, do you really
want to close/delete the document?"

Here the message is very much specific to a particular
plugin and I donot know if even after having the first
feature request implemented it would help sorting out
the second problem. Here, even if user turns off the
confirmation messages, I want it to ask for the
confirmation in case the document is NOT processed with
that particular PR.




  • Mark Greenwood

    Mark Greenwood - 2018-06-01
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: --> Next_Release_(example)
  • Mark Greenwood

    Mark Greenwood - 2018-06-01

    I can't see how we could possibly implement the second part of this, and if the user has asked to delete a resource they have already done multiple actions, so a confirm dialog would be very annyoing.


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