
Progress being made

I'm not sure if many or any people follow this project still, but if you do, then you will surely have noticed a lot of SVN activity lately. I've been feverishly working on GameServ 2.0! I would love to have a prototype connecting to UnrealIRCD by the end of December, but I'm not sure if that can happen. I still have to iron out how I am going to handle the IRC connections in such a way as to solve the problems I had in the past. There is going to have to be some sort of service layer to abstractly handle connections to the game somehow, or it will be impossible to add new types of IRCDs in the future.

So far, I've simply been working on creating a robust and complete GameServ library, so that when the time comes to connect something to IRC, I have a fully functioning set of tools built so all I have to worry about is linking a specific ircd's protocol into the already functioning game engine. I'm even thinking about going so far as to create an actual GameServ server and a separate program that would bridge that server on to IRC. Enough ideas, though... on to progress:

So far I have a near complete set of file and MySQL data access objects working. I still have to finish up the mysql objects, but they're cake walk. As far as I can tell, there are no memory leaks in this library, but that will remain to be seen come release time... I'm doing what I can to avoid them, and I think I'm doing a good job, but you never know.

External software that will be required for GameServ 2.0:
Boost libraries, with a couple compiled libs:
bjam to compile boost
MySQL Server, which should be included on any good irc or web host

It's a pretty exciting project at the moment... everything is coming together nicely, but my concern is that the external libraries will be a major turnoff for the end user. We will see... I hope it's not too much. I will include directions on how to get everything working when the time comes.

If you have gotten this far, well, thank you! I would love to hear from you... shoot a message to me on sourceforge, or write on the project forums. I want to hear back if there are any people interested in what has been going on.


Posted by Domenic Datti 2009-10-03

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