
Mundo The Game / News: Recent posts

Mundo Medieval 3D MMORPG version 1.7 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Mundo version 1.7

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.7 was released!

Project page:

Full change-log:

  • New itens now flash in the backpack;
  • NPCs now stop when the player is near;
  • Added joystick support (Linux only);
  • Large architecture improvements:
    Max LOC Method 501 446
    Max Cyclomatic Modified 70 63
    Max parameteres 9 7
    Max Depth 16 8
    Max LOC File 2181 1710
    Max Number of methods 58 45
    External references 67 55
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2020-06-27

Mundo Medieval 3D MMORPG version 1.6 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Mundo version 1.6

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.6 was released!

Project page:

Full change-log:

  • Fixed bug that player was not ranked right after registration;
  • Fixed bug with objects popping when appears (lacking transparency);
  • Reduced speed of escape of the monsters.
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2018-05-31

Mundo Medieval 3D MMORPG version 1.5 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Mundo version 1.5

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.5 was released!

Project page:

Full change-log:

  • Fixed bug at login;
  • Improved strenght's balance of some bosses;
  • Fixes in some quests;
  • Fixed bug who allowed sell the same item more than one time;
  • Fixed bug that sends multiple LOAD_COMPLETED messages and cause ghost copies of the player in the spawn point;
  • Fixed bug of missing equipment of other players;
  • Fixed bug of repeating textures on the players;
  • Fixed jump bug under multiplayer;
  • Fixed behaviour of the "other players" jump;
  • Fixed "animation stuck" when other player logs in;
  • Fixed attack animation cut in the middle for the others players;
  • Fixed mistypes in portuguese translation;
  • Fixed bug that quest not close if the player have two quests to the same destiny NPC.
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2017-07-01

Mundo Medieval 3D MMORPG version 1.4 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Mundo version 1.4

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.4 was released!

Project page:

Full change-log:

  • Added multilanguage feature; Available languages are english and portuguese;
  • Improved collision with ground;
  • Fixed bug in the quest system;
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2017-01-21

Mundo Medieval 3D MMORPG version 1.3 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Mundo version 1.3

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.3 was released!... read more

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2016-08-28 Labels: game 3D MMORPG Medieval

Mundo 3D MMORPG version 1.2 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.2 was released!

Project page:

Full change-log:

Added interaction with NPCs via mouse click;
Fixed bug in TGenericCreature.Create;
Fixed server trying to trade with dislogged players;
Fixed bug when die while walking;
Fixed release of openal resources;
Fixed stopping threads before exit;
Changed project file to send .ppu and .o files to ppu folder;
Refactoring and documentation of procedure DrawGameObjs.... [read more](/p/gamemundo/news/2016/01/mundo-3d-mmorpg-version-12-released/)
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2016-01-09 Labels: mmorpg 3d game medieval linux opengl

Mundo 1.1 released!

Mundo is a Multiplatform Medieval 3D MMORPG.

Current version have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Test server is up! Just download and run!

We are proud to announce that version 1.1 was released!

In this release we have a strong performance gain, boosting FPS at some sceneries more than 100%!

Project page: read more

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2015-11-08 Labels: mmorpg 3d game medieval linux opengl

Version 1.0 released!

We are proud to announce that 1.0 version was released!


  • Changed to not allow cut pain animation with attack or defense;
  • Created server backup procedures;
  • Changed to make the player die if fall from hell platforms;
  • Fixed order to draw the screen objects to ensure that ground is drawn before the rest;
  • Changed camera to set from a distance of the player at initialization;
  • Implemented memory release of distant objects;
  • Implemented closing of loot window;
  • Fixed ranking;
  • Added navigation capabilities to the ranking;
  • Changed to close loot window if the player gets far from it;
  • Added loading screen if the loading buffer grows to a certain size;
  • Accelerated loading screen;
  • Raised more a little bit the maximum distance to collision with ground to avoid monsters to fly :)
  • Added missing files rattail.png and lowpoly vine2.png;
  • Fixed keyboard bug under windows freeglut;
  • Changed to enemies run less while escaping;
  • Added trade between players;
  • Changed to turn off the boss music after being killed by a boss;
  • Create premium account feature;
  • Fixed artifacts in player's animation;
  • Created a separated thread for music and sound;
  • Created a separated thread for loading objects;
  • Created function to hide the HUDs;
  • Changed to allow player names with spaces;
  • Added automatic reset of player coordinates when fall under the y coordinate limits;
  • Fixed the image of the top of the hell skybox;
  • Fixed incorrect display of the personalize window after the first login;
  • Fixed texture mapping at staircase in the last store;
  • Fixed gravity to a less real but more playable;
  • Added exception handling to the drawing loop to avoid problems with the background loading.
Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2015-07-05

Mundo 0.20 Released!


* Refactor player animations.
* Design and implement the death of the player.
* Looting.
* BackPack.
* Use items.
* Removal of unused units keyvaluelists.pas, maps.pas, timers.pas, serverconnections.pas, clientconnections.pas, textureppms.pas, texturetgas.pas.
* Remove unit vectors that is misused in cameras.pas.
* Unify of version constant.
* Create doc units.ods.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2011-07-31

Mundo 0.18 Released!

* Merge of revisions 735-737 - Large refactoring by Winheim
* Login screen
* Eliminate scenes.pas (obsoleted by Maps)
* Create account screen
* Ranking screen
* Graphic Login Screen and graphic layout for register and ranking screens.
* Improve movement synchro between client and server.
* Fix monster colision.
* Reduce chicken speed.
* Constrain password editbox to 8 characters
* Change respawn to 2 minutes.
* Wrong password message on login screen
* Make monsters do not attack non-logged characters.
* Change map - enlarge trees and put more monsters
* Fix player death
* Put the cheese back
* Fix red screen
* Put a button to ranking screen
* Fix healing to limit to 100%.
* Reset player after death.
* Slow down attack interval of the monsters and revise it's strength.
* Put players lifebar back
* Performance review.
* Implement calls to browser in closed-source operating systems.
* Fix - other players attack dont perform.
* Fix - can't see monsters attack other players.
* Fix other players jump.
* Fix - when other player attack stops walking
* Fix logout of other players
* Fix - one player can hit the other dislogged
* Fix - other players attack repeats
* Fix - Segmentation fault when jump

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2010-10-19

Mundo 0.14 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.
Test Server is up. Try it now!


* Charlist unit refactoring.
* Music.
* Sound.
* Fixed chat under windows.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2009-07-01

Mundo 0.13 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.
Test Server is up. Try it now!


0.13.1 - 28/05/09

* Fixed to not enter chat while fighting.
* Exception handling in SendMsg function.

0.13 - 27/05/09

* New char model.
* Interaction with ground.
* Chat.
* Exception handling for client message receiving.
* Handle spllited messages.
* Fixed FacingAngle function.
* Changed collision detection to only test the near objects using the Model.Ray property - boost the FPS x 3 !
* Fixed inverted x coordinates in collision detection.
* Fixes in multiplayer.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2009-05-29

Mundo: 0.12.2 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.
Test Server is up. Try it now!



* Changed to point to server.


* Removed unnecessary debugging messages.
* Changed to ask char name.


* Map code.
* Map growth.
* Cow.
* Changed map drawing to end because of the transparent models.
* Ordenation of polygon drawing to solve transparency problems.
* Drawing of player is moved to start, so he did not fit enclosed by transparencies anymore.
* Implemented ordenating the polygons on drawing to get the transparent models draw correctly.
* Free the disconnected players.
* Make rats lose focus from disconnected players.
* Re-texture castle. Not good yed, but better.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2009-04-23

Mundo 0.11.1 Released

* This is a fix for the clients points to the right server.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2008-08-26

Mundo 0.11 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.
Test Server is up. Try it now!


* First monster.
* Several Fixes.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2008-08-24

Mundo 0.10.1 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.
Test Server is up. Try it now!


* Player vs Player.
* New skybox code by Dusan.
* Fixed bug # 1808636.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2008-03-19

Mundo 0.9 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.


* Major code cleanup, reindentation and normatization, no new features.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-10-17

Mundo 0.8 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform.


* New font system.
* Transparencies partially working.
* Updated source to use the new MD2 models instead of old 3DS.
* Fixed player's lifebars.
* Colision detection.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-09-29

Mundo 0.7 Released

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL.


* Added anisotropic filtering.
* Improved lighting.
* Support for many image formats by the Imaging Library.
* Added animation for others players.
* Added attack message in the protocol.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-08-16

Mundo 0.6 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL.


* Completed Linux compatibilization - Now runs on windows and Linux.
* Rewrited protocol - now uses TCP - more stable.
* Developed Project's website (
* Rewrited and simplified the code.
* MD2 3d models support.
* PPM image files support.
* New Reginaldo model (wagon).
* New Dusan models (palm, burned tree, old tree, bush fern).

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-07-15

Mundo 0.5 released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL.


* Added more articulations to skeleton animation.
* Redesigned the humanoid head.
* Humanoid texturization.
* Redesigned the attack animation.
* Wrote the client-server code.
* Created a font solution.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-06-12

Mundo 0.4 Released!

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL.

* Added walking and attacking animation.
* Added partial texturing to mainchar.
* Added new sword from Reginaldo.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-05-13

Mundo 0.3 Released

Mundo is a 3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL.
In this release, we have many new Reginaldo models, partial humanoid class and skeleton animation.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-04-13

Mundo 0.2 Released

* Added magic shot.
* Dog now can die and respawn.
* Improved sky.
* Added cameras (F1=firstperson,F2=perspective,F3=top,F4=side).
* Added dog attack and player life bar.
* Added fog.
* Improved lighting.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-08-21

Mundo 0.1 Released

First public version.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-06-30