

  • David Smith

    David Smith - 2009-06-25

    Let me describe the hardware first:

    Motherboard: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
    Hard Drives: 2 ea. WDC WD5000AAJS w/ NVIDIA STRIPE 931.52G (label = WINXP (C) in the first partition is 156 GB, the remaining space is unallocated)
    1 ea. WDC WD5000AAJS stand-alone SATA drive (the whole 500 GB is partioned for storing my data in a single drive, label = Shared (E))
    1 ea. WDC WD3200AAJB stand-alone PATA drive (there is an active partition of 111 GB on this drive, the remaining space is unallocated, label = XP64 (H))

    I was able to determine the HDD mount order in BIOS with GAG by adding test partions to two of the drives. They are:
    1.  PATA Master (XP64)
    2.  SATA Stand-Alone (Shared)
    3.  SATA RAID 0 (WINXP)

    Only the WINXP partition has an operating system so far.

    I installed GAG to a floppy to test and I set the only operating system to the number 3 drive. I selected NO in the prompt to exchange dive letters since the WINXP partion is already C (as far as I can tell). However, I don't get that prompt if I add the XP64 partition as a menu item.

    When I return to the main menu and select this item I immediately get this prompt:
    NTDLR is missing
    Press Ctl + Alt + Del to restart

    I have three questions:
    1. Do I need to swap drive letters on my only operating system to boot successfully?
    2. Is there a risk in doing so?
    3. How can I restore the drive letters if I can't boot Widows XP at all?

    • David Smith

      David Smith - 2009-06-28

      I have answered these questions myself with testing. Here is what I found:

      1. Do I need to swap drive letters on my only operating system to boot successfully?

      Yes, that was what I needed to make GAG work in this configuration.

      2. Is there a risk in doing so?

      No. Apparently,swapping drive letters is done in RAM and does not survive the next boot.

      3. How can I restore the drive letters if I can't boot Widows XP at all?

      No need to. See the second part of the answer to the second question.


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