
Still using v0.61 (2022) No subsequent releases work on my pc.

  • Michael Setzer II

    First screen shows a read error on the kernel load, so that would mean something went wrong with the writing of the image? Are you burning it to a CD or to a USB?
    So first thing I could try would to be to copy to another media and see if it will boot without that read error.
    Is your system 32 bit or 64 bit? Think it must be 64 bit, since kernels moved to 64bit when Fedora stopped releasing 32 bit version.
    I still build the iso version that uses syslinux that hasn't been updated in a long long time.
    The g4lefi.img file uses grub4dos to boot. Has both the regular and efi version.
    Just need to copy it to a flash.
    dd if=g4lefi.img bs=64MiB of=/dev/sdx (sdx would be whatever flash you have).

    Then you could try booting from the flash using either the regular boot option or efi boot since the image has both grub4dos and grub4dos-efi on it.


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