
G3 dead again

  • fadetoblack

    fadetoblack - 2005-04-18

    Doesn't look like this project is going anywhere..the forums are basically dead hardly any discussion goes on, might try out azureus, it seems to be so popular

    • rekk

      rekk - 2005-04-22

      How do You know what happend behind the scenes?

    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-04-23

      I hope this project is not dead .... I really like this program and hope to see further development..

    • radnad

      radnad - 2005-04-23

      so... what does happen being de scene ?????

    • fadetoblack

      fadetoblack - 2005-04-24

      What does anything "behind the scenes" matter if no new versions are getting released, long standing errors continue to be ignored by the developer, the discussion forums have little to no action and all this while something like azureus has a constant flow of development and community feedback.

      This is a classic case of someone getting excited over something they made, registering a sourceforge project and then abondining it after the novelty has worn off.

    • radnad

      radnad - 2005-04-25

      moved on to Rufus

    • Kaz

      Kaz - 2005-04-25

      Even if development were dead, it'd take Azureus a while to catch up to G3. Wouldn't make any sense to stop using it based upon message post activity, instead of upon which client works the best right now.

    • fadetoblack

      fadetoblack - 2005-04-26

      Which client works the best right now? I'm sorry but I don't ever hear any Azureus users complainign about an error with torrents that have a lot of files, or there client being banned by trackers, and I also would like to see the code base of the client updated when new Bit Torrent versions are released, but no, none of this happens.

      I think you are mistaken to beleive low forum activity is this clients only problem.

    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-04-27

      Trackers banning this client is not a software problem so I really can't blame the developer for that.... For some reason they consider this client as a leech program....

      But I do admit that there is a lot of bugs which NEEDS to be resolved especially with the latest version... Hopefully the developer doesn't abandon this prog as is.....

    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-05-02

      Does anyone really know if this project is really dead or are we just guessing??? Would be nice to hear from the Head Project guy if he is no longer working on this ....

    • Dean Moncaster

      Dean Moncaster - 2005-06-18

      THis project does seem dead, and yes the client getting banned IS the developers fault.

      If he changed the drop down box into a TYPE IN THE CLIENT or select a preselected few that would help a lot!

      It's so damn easy to do and yet has not been done!


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