
Port Forwarding Issue After Policy Push

  • eyeonit

    eyeonit - 2005-01-23

    Noob Question.

    I am using Linksys WRT54GS with Svesoft. I create Port Forwarding for port 22 on the Linksys prior to pushing policy from FWbuilder. Session connects perfectly. I have a rule;
    Source x.x.x.x to Destination x.x.x.x, Service ssh (22), but after policy is pushed the session is not allowed. For some reason the policy is directing the ssh session to the FW not the inside host node. There is no rule triggered in the log except the following messages;

    <86> dropbear[11398]: Child connection from x.x.x.x:36591 2005/01/2219:55:16.92
    <84> dropbear[11398]: login attempt for nonexistent user
    <86> dropbear[11398]: exit before auth: Max auth tries reached - user is invalid

    I reset Linksys to factory and reset all parameters to prior policy push all works fine. Am I missing something in the Rule or in the Service configuration?

    • Vadim Kurland

      Vadim Kurland - 2005-01-24

      How did you create port forarding for port 22 on the Linksys ?  If you used their web interface, it won't work with fwbuilder.  You can use either web interface to configure firewall and NAT rules, or fwbuilder. You can not use both.

    • eyeonit

      eyeonit - 2005-02-08

      I was able to resolve the issue by not utilizing the Linsys port forwarding in the gui as you suggested. I left port forwarding on default settings and utilized NAT and Policy via fwbuilder. Works Great.


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