
Firewall examples-share

  • Mendoza

    Mendoza - 2005-02-04

    Good day
    I have an ideea :
    Wouldn't be great if we could post somewhere our own *.fw files for others to see and learn?
    I think that would be very helpful for ppl that have just began to work with fwbuilder and do not know how to set it right, or how to make some fine adjustments.
    If there is already such a spot, where ppl cand share such info, please tell me. If not, maybe someone can help me create such a place somewhere on the internet.
    I already studied the examples from, but those are only small ones. I think that a complete example, with redirection, limitations, time based access, etc would be nice.
    Thank you

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-02-05

      I know i'd be interested in seeing some examples of custom service object being used to log the process owner of the responding or initiating application:) (trying to figure out how to log bandwidth utilization of game servers / irc servers)

    • Mendoza

      Mendoza - 2005-02-05

      gardrail99 , you can do this simple enough with BandwidthD
      Is has a file, wich you cand edit, before compiling it, where you cand put various services to monitor.
      If I remember corectly, the file is : bandwidthd.c
      Good luck

    • Bill

      Bill - 2005-02-05

      Nice!  i'm checking it out now.  I'm hoping to get it down to a generic 'userid' utilization...  that way i can monitor traffic on my server regardless of the IP they use on it :)

    • SteveH

      SteveH - 2005-02-09

      I have been using ntop on my fwbuilder machines. Works good, not sure if it addresses the uid thing though.




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