
let me understand this program

  • conexion2000

    conexion2000 - 2005-01-24

    I am newbie and I would like you to explain me a few questions:
    I am using install script
    1. First of all tell me where my firewall is installed?
    2. Where does it register itself? (he starts automatically when linux runs, so install script must add some lines into my starting scripts. So into which file it adds its lines?)
    3. How can I uninstall it?
    4. Can I turn off iptables?
    5. When linux starts the starting sequence is (when ip tables are turn on): iptables rules run, then my firewall runs and it restarts previously loaded rules of iptables and it loads my policy? Am I wrong?

    • Vadim Kurland

      Vadim Kurland - 2005-01-24

      you'll find many answers in HOWTOs:

      1. generated script is installed by default in /etc/fw but you can change that in the "Installer" tab of firewall settings dialog
      2. it does not register itself anywhere. You need to do that, but it depends on the distribution you are running. See HOWTOs
      3. delete it. Generated script is not a package (not an rpm)
      4. If you mean can you turn off iptables startup script that comes with your Linux distribution, then yes, you should do that.
      5. you need to disable iptables startup script supplied by your Linux distribution that activates iptables policy if you want to use fwbuilder for that.


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