
Beta 128 - disks not present

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2012-07-15

    On a Debian squeeze amd64 system, I am unable to use any disks in drives on the Beta 128 interface. Any attempt to use them just responds "No disk", whether inserted using "Insert New" or "Insert" from an already existing file.

    This has been tried in trunk revisions 4726, 4624 and 4553 - with the result the same every time.

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2012-07-17

    "No disk"

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2013-11-20

    Hmmm... this appears to be gone again... both in release 1.1.1 and revision 5058.

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2014-10-22

    Really not sure what I am encountering with this. Whether built from trunk or installed from Debian, I get "No disk" on my desktop, unless running fuse as root. My laptop is fine with it, though.

  • Sergio Baldoví

    Sergio Baldoví - 2014-11-02

    Once you said it works properly from the compile directory. Is that still true?

    Did you used any custom parameter in 'configure' or 'make install'?

    I assume you have never built Fuse/libspectrum with root privileges, isn't it?

    If you run fuse from a terminal window, are there any warnings/errors in the output?

    Same issues after initializing the settings?
    mv $HOME/.fuserc $HOME/.fuserc.bak

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2015-01-08

    This has been found to be due to my .fuserc file - obviously something I do tweaks something that prevents Beta working properly any more, from time to time. I cannot actually see what it is that's happening, though.

  • Sergio Baldoví

    Sergio Baldoví - 2015-01-08

    Great. Could you share the faulty config file? We might have a look.

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2015-01-08

    Attached known faulty config. Not sure how I made it so... but have never edited it by hand.

  • Sergio Baldoví

    Sergio Baldoví - 2015-01-08

    I can reproduce the "No disk" error. Apparently you have Kempston joystick enabled, which interfere the normal operation.

    From the Russian FAQ:

    JmK> How can you have Kempston joystick (0x1F) or port 0xFF if they are both used by the TR-DOS system?

    TR-DOS ports works if ( AND ONLY IF ! ) TR-DOS is activated. that means when in 0-3fff we have betadisk ROM these ports are activated (and kepston joystick doesnt work). once tr-dos is switched off ( prog went back to 4000+ address ) ports are no longer valid - they have changed for other uses, such as 1F for kempston, FF for attribute.

    It seems that TR-DOS should take precedence over Kempston?

  • Sergio Baldoví

    Sergio Baldoví - 2015-01-08

    obviously something I do tweaks something that prevents Beta working properly any more

    By the way, you are using the auto-save option. It is likely that Kempston peripheral has been activated when loading a snapshot.

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2015-01-08

    Now you mention it, I do recall hearing something about that... I'll retry my old config but turn that off, and see what happens.

  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2015-01-27

    Well, that seems to work... there's one other oddity I've spotted though...

    Sometimes, if Fuse starts with the +2 selected, the Beta 128 autoboots - it must therefore be starting up as something else. All is normal after a reset though.

    It seems to happen every time with the settings I've got at present.


    Last edit: Phil Reynolds 2015-01-27
  • Phil Reynolds

    Phil Reynolds - 2015-01-27

    Well, that seems to work... there's one other oddity I've spotted though...

    Sometimes, if Fuse starts with the +2 selected, the Beta 128 autoboots - it must therefore be starting up as something else. All is normal after a reset though.


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