
#357 Basil the Great Mouse Detective wont load on Fuse ?


Any idea why this game refuses to load on Fuse ? I even tried loading it with all fast loaders OFF. It works on other emulators. The game is mediocre but I just wondered why it wouldn't work.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #218


  • windale

    windale - 2016-08-08

    With all fastloaders OFF, it doesn't even load the loading screen. If you leave all fastloaders ON it stops loading with a green border and if you manually press Play again it loads the loading screen but that's all.

  • Fredrick Meunier

    Its because the game's loader makes assumptions about the polarity of the levels on the tape and that wasn't specified at all in the TZX format until the controversial version 1.20. It also failed to load on lots of real tape decks for the same reason.

    The other emulators you are trying just happen to be using the polarity required for this loader. There are updated v1.20 TZX files around.

  • Fredrick Meunier

    The need to press play is probably a flaw in the tape loader detection function however.

  • windale

    windale - 2016-08-08

    So is there a TZX 1.20 version of this game ? I found another thread on this that said it was fixed. I tried TZXVault and WOS.

  • windale

    windale - 2016-08-08

    I converted it to PZX and now it works, seems to be a much more compatible format.

  • windale

    windale - 2016-08-09

    Just to be a bit clearer on my previous post, the TZX v1.20 from TZXVault does work but you have to manually press Play again when it stops loading, so yes there is "probably a flaw in the tape loader detection function". If I convert the file to PZX it loads fine.


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