
#354 TZX/TAP pauses not always honoured

Lee Tonks

In 1.2.0 it seems the pauses between blocks in TZX/TAP files are not always honoured. You can see/hear this in action by turning off all fast loading options and loading a tape at normal speed - there is no pause between the header and the data block.

This is new for 1.2.0 (it didn't happen in 1.1.1) and hasn't actually caused me any problems (to date), but it seems a bit odd so I thought I'd mention it. I'm using the Windows port under Win 10, just in case that makes a difference.

Thanks for the new release, guys - much appreciated!


  • windale

    windale - 2016-06-29

    It's because you have 'Detect Loaders' turned on. Turn this option off for the original experience.

  • Lee Tonks

    Lee Tonks - 2016-06-29

    Ah, I see. Tapes don't automatically play with that option turned off, though... not the end of the world, though. :-)

    Was this changed for a reason? Feel free to close if not a bug, chaps.

  • Fredrick Meunier

    The change wasn't deliberate and happend in [r5358] as part of addressing [bugs:#330]. I think the issue was masked before that as we were previously not always playing sound during loading, I believe depending on the routine being used.

    I think the underlying reason is that the loader detection is quite aggressive in stopping the tape and the tape_stop() and tape_start() methods have side effects (e.g. stopping a tape discards the next tape edge event which has been consumed from the stream in the libspectrum tape and is not restored when the tape starts playing again).

    I think that also has an effect on other issues like [bugs#310] .



    Bugs: #330

  • windale

    windale - 2016-07-01
  • Fredrick Meunier

    This goes most of the way to addressing the biggest effects of the issue (windale: Chase HQ 128k works with detect loaders turned on again with this).

  • Fredrick Meunier

    • Group: future --> next_release
  • Fredrick Meunier

    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Fredrick Meunier

    Committed in [r5663].



    Commit: [r5663]

  • Fredrick Meunier

    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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