
#22 RZX playback broken


James Banks reports:
"I was watching the Head over Heels RZX file last night and it
stops just before the third crown is collected in Book World. When I
say it stops, the user can start to move the characters around
instead of the automatic playback of the rest of the file. I got the
Head over Heels RZX file from Philip Kendall's web page <http://>"

I can confirm this also happens on Fuse for UNIX as well as Mac.
The exact error message is:
libspectrum: libspectrum_rzx_playback_frame: wrong number of
INs in frame 109163: expected 8, got 0

Is this related to the timing improvements in 0.7.0?


Bugs: #336


  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2004-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    Directly, yes. Indirectly, no (Fuse faile before the
    marketplace with much the same error, so 0.7.0 is a slight
    improvement here, but this is purely fortutious).

    The fundamental problem is that the RZX format doesn't fully
    store information on retriggered interrupts or interrupts
    delayed after an EI. Fuse 0.6.2 significantly changed the
    behaviour of Fuse's z80 core with respect to all this, and
    so some RZX files recorded before that won't work with Fuse
    0.6.2 or later. On the other hand, some RZX files recorded
    with other emulators may well work when they didn't with
    Fuse 0.6.2 or earlier.

    The 0.7.0 timing changes just modify when the rare events of
    retriggered or delayed interrupts happen, so affect when we
    see this.

    What we can do about this in the general case, I don't know...

  • Fredrick Meunier

    Logged In: YES

    Am I being naive in thinking that a new revision of the RZX
    format could sort this problem out for the future?

    Last time RZX playback problems came up on fuse-devel, you
    commented about the retriggered and delayed interrupt
    "This still won't be perfect, as we still have no way of
    knowing whether
    the recording emulator intended for an interrupt to be
    accepted when
    writing an RZX frame. Essentially, Fuse currently makes a
    best guess,
    but this will be wrong for something somewhere... I think
    the new code is better than the old code, though."

    In that thread there was dicussion about recording more
    markers in the file for interrupts and possibly frame ends,
    did this get implemented? If not, would these address the
    problem here (for a new recording)?

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2004-07-24

    Logged In: YES

    I'd certainly hope that any revisions of the RZX format
    solve this problem: I don't think it should be any more than
    separating the "end of frame" and "interrupt" events.

    But nothing's actually been implemented (or even discussed
    AFAIK) on this front recently.

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2004-10-13

    Logged In: YES

    A little bit more research on this one: at the end of frame
    19497 (of head5.rzx), the interrupt happens right in the
    middle of an EI/RET pair.

    Fuse pre-0.7.0 (which the HoH RZX was made with) accepted
    interrupts directly after an EI, so jumped to the IM2 ISR
    here. Fuse 0.7.0 (correctly) doesn't accept interrupts
    immediately after an EI, so doesn't jump to the ISR.
    Normally, the interrupt would be accepted after the RET, but
    when doing RZX playback, Fuse accepts interrupts only at the
    end of an RZX frame, so doesn't jump to the ISR at all,
    which unsurprisingly leads to the desync a few frames later.

    That's what causing this. How to fix all this, I don't know
    at the moment...

  • Fredrick Meunier

    Logged In: YES

    As far as a fix goes, the options seem to remain:

    1) not using the interrupt retriggering code on rzx playback
    to get this particular rzx to play back (though that breaks
    playback of Rockfall 2 and similar game recordings made with
    current versions of Fuse and Spectaculator < 6), combined
    with the Spectaculator-like changing of the recording of
    RZXs so that if the last instruction at the end of a frame
    is an EI one more instruction is executed before the
    interrupt to fix future recordings of games with Rockfall
    2-esque problems so they will play on older emulators, or

    2) Revving the RZX format to handle end-of-frame vs.
    interrupt events explicitly, current recordings with
    problems will stay problematic (though we could combine this
    with the playback workaround above), new recordings will
    just work (to the best of our knowledge).

    I am not sure how much feedback there has been about whether
    the Spectaculator 6-style recording workarounds have still
    got problems in any situations, and remain convinced that 2)
    is the best solution for simple specifications, formats and
    consistant implementations in the future. As least with 1)
    we must have the RZX documents updated to record the
    problems and workaround for the future.

    In practice there seems to be no consensus to update the
    format, and aside from the AMX mouse issue no known problems
    with the workarounds on recording RZX approach.

    As a result, barring massive new insights, I think the best
    we could do would be to add the Spectaculator RZX recording
    workarounds, make retriggered interrupts optional
    (defaulting off) on playback to allow for Rockfall 2 and
    similar recordings to be played back, and see if any
    problems arise in the future which we could use to build
    support for a new RZX revision.


  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-02-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Merging this into #1654105. Please place any further comments there.

  • Philip Kendall

    Philip Kendall - 2007-02-07
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate

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