
Free UPnP Entertainment Service / News: Recent posts

fuppes 0.7.2 prerelease

A prerelease of the upcoming version is available in the download section.
This version comes with initial support for the Xbox 360 and the PS3. Furthermore it now supports UPnP search and a freely configurable virtual container layout.

More details and documentation coming soon.
Please report bugs!
best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2007-05-30

fuppes 0.7.1 released (fixes crash on webinterface access)

fuppes 0.7.1 fixes the crash on Windows systems when trying to access the webinterface.

sorry for the inconveniences.


Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2007-02-03

fuppes 0.7 released

fuppes 0.7 makes the next step towards complete UPnP compatibility. It now implements the UPnP eventing mechanism.

Furthermore 0.7 fixes a lot of bugs. I runs now fine on Mac OS X and 64 bit machines.

Initial TwoLAME support is also included.

read changelog for details.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2007-02-01

fuppes 0.5.4 released

this version comes with initial support for playlists (pls and m3u) and a lot of bugfixes.

see changelog for details.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2006-11-23

fuppes 0.5.3 released

0.5.3 finally comes with FLAC-transcoding support as well as initial support for vdr and vob files.

Furthermore fuppes is now completely configurable via the webinterface.

see changelog for details.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2006-10-03

fuppes 0.5.2 released

After a long wait a new version is available.

With this version fuppes supports the following new file types: gif, png, bmp.
It fixes a bug wich embarrassed the Telegent TG 100 from playing avi-files.
And some new (optional) configuration options were added.

For details read the ChangeLog.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2006-09-10

fuppes 0.5 released

With this version fuppes makes a huge step towards UPnP compatibility. The ContentDirectory now implements the minimal required functionality to be UPnP 1.0 compliant and the notification/discovery mechanism is UPnP 1.0 compliant too.
Furthermore it comes with HTTP byte-range request handling so streaming of large video files should work.
And of course a lot of bugfixes. see changelog for more details.... read more

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2006-03-13

fuppes 0.3.3 released

this version fixes a lot of fatal bugs. see changelog for details.
furthermore fuppes now shows up on Cidero Media Controller and Intel MediaController.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2006-01-15

fuppes 0.3.2 released

this version comes with sqlite3 support for the content database, signal handling on unix machines and some bugfixes.
see changelog for details.

best wishes for the year to come,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-12-26

fuppes 0.3.1 released

this version comes with some bugfixes regading the transcoding and the beginning of image and video support.
see changelog for details.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-11-19

fuppes 0.3 released

This release comes with on-the-fly transcoding from ogg/vorbis and musepack/mpc to mp3.
Windows users need to get a copy of the "lame_enc.dll" and put it in the application directory.

Furthermore 0.3 comes with the beginning of a daemon mode (not under win).
It does not yet uses syslog nor handles it signals. For that reason fuppes will
not shutdown correctly if you kill the process.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-11-01

fuppes 0.1.2 released

This release fixes of lot of bugs and comes with enhanced logging and improved threading.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-08-09

fuppes 0.1.1 released

This version fixes some bugs, sorts the content alphabetically and reads the config file from ~/.fuppes/ (linux/unix) resp. %APPDATA%\Free UPnP Entertainment System\ (windows).

If anyone uses FUPPES with an other device than the Noxon audio I would be pleased to hear about.
If you can't use your device with FUPPES I request you to leave a forum entry so we can look after it.

best regards,

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-07-11

fuppes 0.1 released

The first release of fuppes is out now.

At that very early point of development it just serves mp3 files and is anything but UPnP compliant. But it works at least with the Terratec Noxon-audio.

Posted by Ulrich Völkel 2005-06-27